|| Chapter XLVI ||

Start from the beginning

Madara narrowed his eyes, and let out a scoff. "Angry? Why would I get angry at my grandson? Is that some new trend?"

"Aren't you angry that I destroyed everything you've ever worked for?" I asked, to ease the aching pain in my heart. "You brought the (L/N) Family onto the front stage. You worked tirelessly to make sure we are remembered as good and honest people. But I've ruined it, haven't I? I've dragged our Family name through the dust. We're nothing more than pathetic murderers now."

"People think what they want to think. People see what they want to see. People hear what they want to hear. Do you think you're a murderer?"

"..... yes."

"I won't deny that," Madara replied. "If we go by the literal definition of murderer, you'd be one. In that case, every hero out there is a murderer, isn't it?"

I silently listened.

"If we go by that logic, even I'm a murderer. The greatest people in the world are murderers. Does that belittle their achievements? No. No one is going to remember All Might as a murderer. He'll be remembered as the Symbol of Peace, a person who killed for the sake of the world. You're doing the same, aren't you? So why do you call yourself a murderer?"

"I'm doing this for myself. And for Yui," I spoke strongly. "I'm not doing it for the world. I'm a selfish bastard who's out for revenge. I kill people to satisfy my vengefulness. It's different."

"Let me tell you one thing, (F/N). A Hero is someone who is ready to sacrifice the one they love to save the world. 
But a villain is someone who is ready to sacrifice the world to save the one they love."

I slowly mulled over the statement.

"Then I'm a ..... villain?"

"You're a villain, and a murderer," Madara said. "Nothing's gonna change that. But we need to move on. In this world, your duty is what should drive you forward. Finish the task that your mind has set for yourself. If you don't, your soul remains trapped in the living realm, and you're forced to relive a painful life. Whether it is for you, or for someone else. A duty is what makes a human. Complete what you set for yourself."

"You're telling me I should go ahead and kill all the Pro Heroes?"

"If that is the duty you've set for yourself, yes," Madara replied. "I've been a firm believer of the values showcased in Hindu mythology. Do you know any mythology, young man?"

"..... not really."

"During the Great War, 5 brothers were forced to fight against their hundred cousins, former teachers, grandfathers and gurus. What do you think happened to one of the 5 brothers?"

"..... what happened?"

"He lost his will to fight, just as the war was about to begin," Madara recited. "He said, 'I cannot raise my weapons against family'. He abandoned his chariot, and decided that he would rather die than fight his cousins and teachers. That was when his charioteer came down to him, and told him that it is more important to fight for one's duty rather than emotions. He said, 'it is better to live your own destiny to imperfection, than to live an imitation of somebody else's life to perfection'."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked, a bit confused. "What does this have to do with anything?"

"It has to do with everything," Madara said. "As humans, we should learn from the mistakes that our ancestors made, and make sure not to repeat them. You think you're the bad person, because you're going around and killing everyone. So what do you think you should do? Lay down your weapons, and accept defeat? No. Never accept defeat. Strive to win. Strive to complete what you came here for. Know when to project your duties over morals, and your morals over duties."

"But how do you know when to do that? How do you know when to give more priority to your morals, and to your duties?"

"And that, young man, is something that comes from within," Madara replied, and he pointed his finger at my chest. "It comes from here. It is something that you will inevitably know. It's not something I need to tell you, do I?"

I remained quiet after listening to Madara. He looked at me for a few seconds, and a comfortable silence overtook the dark atmosphere.

After a few minutes, he spoke up again.

"Have you ever of Rinnegan, young man?"

"What's that?"

"This," Madara said, pointing to his eye with concentric circles. "This is called the Rinnegan. It's powers are said to be derived from Indian and Buddhist mythology, and that is also why its powers are named after Sanskrit words."

"I don't understand. What powers does it entail?"

"6 fundamental powers — Deva Path, Asura Path, Human Path, Animal Path, Preta Path and Naraka Path," Madara replied matter-of-factly. "Control over life and death itself. Ability to summon the King of Hell. It's got a variety of uses. However, it showcases itself only to a deserving (L/N). Till date, only I've been able to awaken the Rinnegan."

"..... I see."

"I believe you have what it takes," Madara said suddenly, and turned to look at me. "You're someone who can control the great powers of the Rinnegan, (F/N). You'll make a fine warrior."

"I won't get it if I just want it."

"Do you want it?"

"..... maybe."

"It's a yes or no question, kid."

"..... yes."

Madara let out a soft sigh, and patted my back a few times. "Well, it looks like you've overstayed your welcome, (F/N). You're in between life and death, and you can't linger here any longer. Maybe you should leave."

I slowly stood up, and patted my behind. I faced the greatest (L/N) — no, the greatest human ever known to exist, and bowed deeply in his direction.

"Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it. Remember to fulfil your duty. Everyone is watching you. Your family, friends, loved ones, me — we're all rooting for you and your sister."

I finally found the courage to let out a soft smile, and I nodded at his direction. I turned around, and walked back the way I had come, leaving Madara behind. The hero watched me with a smirk evident on his face, and melted away into the darkness.

'I'll be waiting, kiddo.'

I opened my eyes.

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