|| Chapter XLVI ||

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Word Count : 1430 words 


( Location : ? )
( (F/N) (L/N) POV )

A fleeting expanse greeted me. Nothing as far as the eye could see. Everything except the floor was a soft eigengrau, which was spotless white.

"Never thought I'd see someone up here other than myself."

I turned to face the voice behind me, and there they were, sitting down on the floor, beckoning to me. I slowly moved towards their silhouette, my body moving on autopilot.

"Come here, (F/N). It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"I'm.... not dead, am I?"

"Are you now?" they questioned obliviously, and spread out their legs to get more comfortable. "Be a pal and give some company to this old man. It's lonely up here, you know?"

I slowly stopped beside the silhouette, and I could finally make out their distinctive eyes — one red and black, while the other grey, with dark concentric circles. His dark blue hair flowed down his broad back.

"Come on, take a seat," Madara said airily, patting the floor next to him. "Drinks?"

"..... there's drinks here?"

"No. Thank you for asking," he replied, as though he had just cracked the Dad Joke of the Century. "This place is pretty cool, you know? You don't get hungry, sleepy, thirsty. It's just a bit boring."




"Say, how's stuff going on down there?" Madara asked me. "You guys doing good?"

"..... our entire bloodline was murdered."

Madara raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so it's true..... I thought I was seeing stuff. So it's true that there's no one left anymore?"

"No one. Just me and my sister," I replied. "And from the looks of it, it seems I've died. Yui's all alone now."

"Ah, don't fret the details," Madara said, his hair swaying in an invisible wind. "You truly die only when you want to die. Otherwise, your soul lingers on in the world, tethered to the living realm by your sorrows and fears. And you look pretty sorrowful to me."

"Are you telling me that I'm not dead?"

"You ain't dead, kid. You've still got time," Madara said approvingly. "But maybe you could spend some time in here instead. Try and understand a bit more."

"Understand what?"

" Whatever you need to," he said. "I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you. At least until you understand. If you have any questions, shoot."

A soft silence lingered.

"..... are you angry with me?"

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