|| Chapter I ||

10.3K 320 183

"The only difference between a problem and a solution is that people understand the solution." ~ Charles F. Kettering

Word Count - 1084 words


I walked through the streets of Musutafu. I ignorantly entered the ice-cream parlor by 5th Avenue.

I scanned through the menu.

"Let's see....."

"Welcome to Baskin Robbins, sir. What would you li-"

The store clerk stopped midway, and stared at my face. I looked up, and blinked innocently.

"What? I want ice-cream."

"Y-you..... you're (F/N) (L/N)!" he screamed.

"..... that I am indeed."

"..... you're not going to kill me?" he sweatdropped.

I chuckled at his stupidity.

"If I killed you, how would I get my ice-cream?"

"How can you r-roam around like that!? Your face is stuck on the Wanted List at a-a-almost every corner of this goddamn n-neighborhood!"

 "Come on, man. I only came here for ice-cream. Give me Butterscotch. The classic."


The store clerk slowly scooped out a chunk of butterscotch ice-cream, and plopped it down on a chocolate cone. He sprinkled it with some chocolate chips, and handed it over to me, all the while not taking his eyes off me.

I grabbed the cone from his shaking hands.

"How much?"

"..... you're gonna pay?"

"You're awfully rude to your customers, you know that?" I snarled.

"I'm s-s-sorry!" he cowered in terror. "Free for you!"

"Free? That makes me feel kinda guilty. Here. 300 Yen. Keep the change."

I waved off the obviously terrified shopkeeper, and casually walked out of the parlor.

I licked the scoop.

Nothing like Butterscotch in the middle of a hot summer day.

The ground beneath me trembled under impact, and 3 heroes arrived at the scene.

I identified them as Kamui Woods, Death Arms and Mirko.

I slowly scratched the back of my head.

"You guys seriously sent 3 people after me? I'm not even doing anything! I'm literally having ice-cream!"

"(F/N) (L/N), you're coming along with us," Kamui Woods said. "You're under arrest."

"Hmm? Where's your warrant? Hmm? Hmm?"

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