Her earpiece crackled.

"Everything going great so far?" It sounded like Chen.

"Yeah," Tao replied. "Targets haven't arrived yet, though."

"Don't worry, they'll come around soon," Hyerin mumbled as she scanned the room for any sign of the Noxius brothers.

She went around some more and passed the ones who were posing as guests. She pretended to ignore them, when Sehun whistled.

"Hey, waitress, over here!" he called out.

Hyerin whipped around, almost forgetting that she was supposed to be a waitress and that she was supposed to not know them.

Holding her expression, she gave Sehun a tight smile. "Sir?"

"You passed by our table when I wanted a drink." He shrugged, seemingly innocent. "Hurry and give me one before I report you for bad service," he teased, holding the grin that was about to break any minute.

Hyerin looked unfazed. "I'm sorry. We can't serve alcoholic beverages to minors, but don't worry! Just wait a few more years and you'll get the good stuff soon, kid." She bowed and gave him a wink before walking off with a smug look on her face. She could hear the others laughing behind her and some of them through her earpiece as well. She looked to the platform and saw Suho trying not to laugh, and Kai who was smiling faintly down on his plate.

She grinned. "Idiots."

The rest of the night was spent serving dinner, all the while looking around to see who arrived and who left, expecting the Noxius brothers to be one of them.

The party officially started once the mayor arrived, wearing his trademark charismatic grin as he waved to the guests. Mayor Kwon was one of the youngest mayors to ever be elected in the history of Seoul, mainly because he had an intelligent, open-minded view of things and was also said to be a graduate from an honorable university in the United States. He had a handsome youthful face and a way with words. Truly someone anyone would want as a leader.

He gave a quick speech about being honored to be at the famous yearly event the Kim family held, followed by Mr. Kim himself and then a few impressive words from Suho. Hyerin felt proud of the boy as she watched him stand in the middle of the platform like some rich, wise aristocrat. Suho simply had that kind of appeal, and she was happy about that.

A couple of moments after that, they saw the Noxius brothers arrive. It was during Mr. Kim's speech when they sneaked in from the back and sat themselves at their rightful table. Hyerin insisted that she was the one to serve their table much to the others' dismay, but it turned out quite well. Aside from exchanging fake smiles with Key and knowing looks with Minho, nothing else really happened. The brothers must have known that they were coming to the event.

Hyerin was getting the hang of tending to tables when she was suddenly called by the head organizer to go over Suho's family and serve them. With a quick reminder to the others to keep an eye on the Noxius trio, she walked over to the Kim's table.

As she neared the platform with parfaits on her tray, she noticed the awkward, uncomfortable aura surrounding the particular table she was told to serve. While climbing up the short flight of stairs, she could hear the lady with graying hair and expensive clothes seated on the table talking.

"Do you not realize what you are doing, you fool? Unnecessary activities outside school will surely make a drastic effect on your academics! Not only that, but you will be seen lurking around the streets like some nomad who has no life!"

Hyerin's brows knitted together as she stopped at the table, slowly placing the parfaits in front of each guest. She warily looked up at the old lady who was heatedly talking and followed her gaze to the person she was reprimanding.

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