Chapter 27: The Worst

Start from the beginning

She said she'd wear it until her last breath.

"Ezra? What is it?" Eliza says from behind me. 

She's dead. My entire purpose on this Earth, is dead.

I send a text, my brain only focusing on one thing. I can't fucking think. I can't hear Eliza anymore, even though she's right beside me. There could be a hurricane behind me, and I wouldn't even hear it. 

I get in my car. Eliza's yelling after me, but I can't bring myself to care. I speed in my car, leaving Eliza alone.

I needed to do this alone. I wanted to do this alone. 

Without Lilac, my life has no purpose. My heart isn't a heart anymore - it's an empty cavity. 

Speeding along the dark tarmac, I cut off multiple people. I knew they were honking at me, swearing at me, but I couldn't focus on anything besides the road in front of me. My grip on the steering wheel is so fucking tight I start to wonder how it doesn't break. 

People don't speak about me the way they do for no reason. I'm about to prove why people call me heartless, a demon, the fucking devil.

And with my gun in my waistline, I'm about to prove why I'm the most evil man alive. 

 Lilac POV ❀

Bleeding to death is something I'd never wish upon anyone. 

At first, the pain was bearable. But that was because of the shock. And once the shock wore off, it was the most painful thing I've ever felt. 

And then, I passed out. My brain knew that I was dying and there was nothing I could do. So, I just accepted it. 

But my heart hurt more than my stomach. Because I knew that I was leaving him. 

I look around. Everything's bright, yet it doesn't hurt my eyes. Grass lays beneath my feet, and I feel no pain. 

"Lilac?" Ezra says from behind me.

I turn around quickly, seeing Ezra standing behind me. He looks sad. I've made him sad. 

"I get to say goodbye to you?" my voice cracks as I speak to him. 

That's when his eyes lower to my stomach, and his face drops. 

Deep, deep down, I knew this wasn't real. I knew this was all in my head, seconds before death. 

"I don't want to lose you," he held my face. God, did I love that. I lean into his hands, and he lets me.

"I'm sorry that I never told you I love you," I spoke up at him. "But I love you. So much."

Hurt covered his face. A tear fell from his eye.

"I love you, Lilac," he whispered back. 

I lean up and kiss him. I kiss him goodbye. I kiss him, knowing that I'll never see him again. 

I think that I always loved him. 

And I always loved how he kissed me. 

"Lilac? Hey, Lilac?" a distant voice reached my ears. "God fucking damn it, wake up!"

A hand slaps across my face, making my cheek burn. My eyes shoot open, a gasp coming from my throat. When I see Asher crouched down in front of me, and that he was the one that slapped me, I slap him back.

His head snaps left and a sharp pain comes from my stomach, making me groan. 

"Way to go, stupid. You're gonna rip your fucking stitches," he turned his head back to look at me while rubbing his red cheek. 

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