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Natalia Olivar since she was 6 years old has looked after her family of three. Her mother has always never really been there for them physically and even mentally. Don't think she doesn't love her mother she does and she knows her mother in her own way loves them too. Her mother as long as she can remember has been struggling with drugs. Even when her mother tries to stop taking drugs and promises them. Breaking her promise time and time again or just pretending and secretly taking them. Taking care of her younger sister who never fully understand why their mother was selfish. Putting herself first and then them second. She's stopped wishing for her mother to stop doing drugs and start taking care of them. Now she doesn't just have to worry about her mother, her secret crush who's pregnant and who's mother killed herself or her sister doing time in juvie. She has to worry about a psycho trying to expose her friends, family and her. Who also just killed her secret girlfriend. Now she has to team up with her twin, her two new friends (Mouse and Faran), one of her best friend Tabby and her secret crush.

In which Natalia loves her family and would do anything for them even it means her secrets comes out

or in which Natalia thinks she loves Karen not realising the girl she's always was meant to be with was always there waiting for her to notice them.

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