An Unexpected Roar

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3rd Person POV

Jay, Carlos, Gil, and Harry found Ben asleep like everyone else, on the path toward Jane's birthday party.

Jay is caring for Ben while they walk back to Evie's palace.

Carlos: Should we look for Y/N? He's been away for at least an hour.

Harry: Scarface will be fine.

Carlos: Well I know that.

Jay: You guys should look for him while I take Ben to Mal.

Jay starts to walk towards Evie's mini castle.

Harry: Alright. Does your dog sniff for Y/N?

Carlos: Yeah he should I just need something for Dude to track.

A branch being stepped on can be heard.

Gil: What was that?

Carlos: Jay?

Jay is slightly away from the guys as he can hear another branch snap.

Jay: Anyone there?


A lion appears in the shadows.

Jay: Ahh!

Jay runs away with Ben on his shoulders.

Jay gets back to the guys.

Jay: Guys! There was a lion.

Gil: A lion?!


They turn to the sound of the growl.

They turn to the sound of the growl

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Carlos: Yep, that's a lion.

The lion slowly walks towards them.

Gil: He kinda looks like Y/N, if he we're a lion.

Harry: What?

Gil: You know the E/C eyes, and the scar on his cheek.

The lion then charges at Harry but Jay pulls him away. The lion does an aggressive roar, than Jane comes out of know where and squirts all over the lion.

The lion than starts transforming into Y/N.


You get up and see Jane, Carlos, Gil, Harry, and Jay with Ben on his shoulders.

Carlos walks over to Jane.

Jane: Oh, my gosh.

Carlos: I forgot to call.

Carlos and Jane: I'm so glad you're alright!

Jay: You good?

Y/N: Yeah.

Jay: Take a seat right.

You feel your face and notice that you have facial hair.

(It can look however you want)

Y/N: Interesting. That was... funky. What happened?

Harry: You turned into a lion mate.

Y/N: Yeah I know that.

Harry: You almost killed me.

Y/N: Sorry. I could see what was happening, I just couldn't do anything, only watch. Jane, what did you spray me with?

Jane: It's Enchanted Lake water.

Y/N: Oh. Think it'll work to wake Ben up?

Jane: It should.

Jane than sprays the enchanted lake water on Ben.

He wakes up.

Ben: Woah! How did I get here?

Harry: Y/N's girlfriend stole a crown, Maleficent's scepter, made a sleeping spell, and turned everyone else into stone.

Ben: Harry Hook, Gil. Hold on. Whose side are they on?

Jay: They escaped and joined us. Mal has the ember, which is our only hope to stop Audrey, details to follow.

Ben: Hades' ember? Has Mal gone back to the Isle?

Jay: I said "Details to follow," we're meeting up Mal, Evie and Uma, let's go.

Ben: Uma?!

Everyone: Details to follow.

Harry walks up to Jay.

Harry: Hey, Jay, um... Yeah, thanks for saving me gorgeous face.

At Evie's mini castle

Ben and Mal see each other and run into each other's arms.

You sit in a chair.

Celia: What happened to Y/N?

Carlos: He turned into a lion.

Mal: What? How?

Y/N: Audrey casted me with a spell.

Mal: Wait, you found her? Where was she?

Y/N: Fairy's cottage.

Uma: Ha, called it.

Mal: Alright let's get going.

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