Draco glanced at Harry, "Funny how you're related." 

"Not by choice," came the reply. 


It was another hour before the train slowed to a stop, brakes screeching, deafening over the rain. Harry had long since changed into his school robes, not yet adorned with a house emblem. Draco was the picture of a Slytherin in his robes and well tailored pants. The two hadn't been disturbed since Theo Potter and Harry was silently dreading facing students and teachers alike. 

The train corridors were crowded and full of students. Colourful sparks filled the air and laughter bounced off the walls. Outside, the rain soaked everyone immediately; Draco looked like a drowned ferret with his hair plastered against his forehead. 


Harry sighed, not turning around. 

"Harry, over here!" 

Draco frowned at him, "I think someone's calling you." 

"Yes, and I'm trying to ignore it," Harry said. 

Eventually, Harry felt a hand fall on his shoulder and turned around to see James Potter looking at him, his glasses foggy. Harry shrugged off his hand and scowled at the man. James' eyes slowly turned to Draco and narrowed suddenly. 

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" he asked, stepping in front of Harry slightly. 

Draco sneered at James, "What are you doing here Potter, aren't you a filthy Auror?" 

James looked like he was contemplating pulling his wand out before realising where he was and who was watching. "Stay away from my son Malfoy," James said. 

"Not your son," Harry pointed out monotonously. 

James turned to Harry, before grabbing him and steering him away from Draco and towards an empty carriage. Harry ripped away from James and sat on the opposite side of the carriage. They started moving and sat in silence for a moment. 

"Can you see them?" James asked eventually. 

Harry raised an eyebrow, "See what?" 

"The thestrals." 

Harry laughed darkly, "Are you stupid Potter? Have you forgotten how many people I've murdered." 

James flinched at the word and shut his mouth. 

"You're ashamed of me aren't you?" Harry asked, "You're ashamed of the people I've killed, you think it's your fault. You're ashamed that I look more like him than you." 

James narrowed his eyes, "Don't put words into my mouth. I'm not ashamed, I'm disappointed."

Harry pressed a hand to his chest and laughed, "Potter! I'm wounded." 

James pursed his lips and stared straight ahead.


"Who's at Hogwarts?!" Pansy shrieked. 

"The Dark Lord's son Pans, I've said it twice now." 

"The Dark Lord's son!"

Draco's eyes widened, "Pansy shut up!"

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