Chapter 4

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The next day was met with utter chaos in the Malfoy home, with everyone running around getting ready for the reunion. They were taking the Hogwarts Express to the reunion, as no one but the headmistress could apparate on school grounds. The family was going to meet up with the Zabinis, apparate to platform 9¾, and from there take the train to Hogwarts.
The twins were so excited to see the castle they didn't fight over what to have for breakfast. Orion on the other hand was confused, he didn't understand where they were going. Lyra tried to get him excited but being the 2-year-old he was, Orion didn't get it.

Hermione was standing by her daughter's closet taking out the dress they had gotten for Lyra. She had chosen a red bow to put in Lyra's hair. With Diamond stud earrings Draco had bought her for her 5th birthday (along with a tower of presents).
Leo and Orion were going to wear little black suits with green ties to symbolize Draco's old school House. Both wanted to put gel in their hair. To their mother's annoyance, Draco immediately jumped on the idea and decided to give both boys gel lessons.

Hermione glanced at her watch, it was 17:00. Which gave her an hour and a half to get the kids and herself ready.
"Lyra! Come here, it's time to get ready", Hermione called.
Excited to put the new dress on, the little brunette girl raced up the stairs to her mother.
"I'm here Mommy! Can I put my pretty dress on now?" She asked.
Hermione smiled at her daughter, before nodding and handing Lyra the dress.
Lyra went into the bathroom, coming back out a few minutes later.
"Can you zipper my dress?" She asked.
"Of course, come here".
After zipping the dress, Hermione quickly put in the earrings and put Lyra's soft brown hair up with the bow.
Handing her daughter the red shoes, she told her to call her brother.
Soon, Leo came in, he was almost jumping up and down in excitement.
"Look, Mommy! Daddy did my hair!"
"Yes Leo, you look very handsome".
"I know, Daddy told me".
Chuckling at her son, Hermione helped him put his suit on and tie his black shoes. Ruffling his hair she kissed him on the cheek before telling him to call Orion.
It was almost 17:30 by now, giving her a little less than an hour to get ready. Orion came bouncing in 2 minutes later, his hair flattened by the gel. It took Hermione around 5 minutes to get him ready.

Now that it was her turn, Hermione got into the shower, washing her hair with a rose-scented soap. As soon as she got out she dried her hair with a wave of her wand. Drying herself with a towel, Hermione put on her dress. She then put her hair up in a twist with some hair down.

Hermione walked down the staircase, at the bottom stood her husband and children. Draco looked nice with his black suit and his hair falling into his eyes. Leo, Lyra, and Orion stared at her.
"You look so pretty Mommy!" Lyra told her with a big smile. Leo and Orion agreed, still staring at her.
"Thank you, sweetheart! You look very pretty too", at this Lyra beamed.
Draco smiled at her, "you look beautiful Hermione!"
"Thanks", Hermione said giving her husband a peck on the lips.

The sound of the floor network going off brought their attention to the fireplace. Blaise and Alex were standing by the fire. Ginny and Nora appeared seconds later.
Blaise looked dashing in his black suit, with a blue tie that matched Ginny's dress. Alex looked just like his father but with a white tie to match his sister. Both Ginny and Nora looked beautiful.
"We should go to the station now", Hermione told everyone, "The train will be leaving soon".

Together the two families joined hands and apparated to Kings Cross. The children all looked around frowning when they didn't see platform 9¾.
"Where is it?" Leo asked his mother.
"This way", Hermione called pulling her family along. "All you have to do is run through this wall to get to the platform.
The kids all looked at her like she was crazy, causing the adults to laugh.
Hermione grabbed Orion's hand and told him to stay with her, before running at the wall. The kids stared open-mouthed where she had disappeared.
"Come on Leo your next".
A few minutes later the kids were all looking around shock still evident on their faces.
Draco told the kids to find a compartment while he looked for Hermione. He sighed when he saw a red-headed family approaching.
"What are you doing here Malfoy?!" Ron Weasley said to him, a glare on his face.
"I'm here for the reunion Weasley, just like everyone else", he responded, rolling his eyes when he saw another family walking over.
"What's going on here?" Harry asked, Amanda and Lily at his side.
"Nothing", Draco told him, "I was just looking for my wife".
Harry nodded, pulling Ron away just as a little blonde boy ran up to Draco.
"Orion, where is your Mother?" He asked his son.
"I don't know!" Orion cried tears falling down his cheek. "She was right next to me and then she disappeared!"
"It's alright, let's get on the train and find your sibling, your mother can find us on the train", Draco calmed his son. "Did you see where Uncle Blaise went with your cousins?"
Orion nodded pointing to the train. Together the two made their way to the train. Leo was waiting for them and led his brother and father to the compartment the kids found. They all sat doen and before long, Hermione found them as well.

The drive was long but the two families talked and laughed the entire time. Stopping to buy a treat from the trolley. Soon enough they were standing by the doors to Hogwarts. Draco and Blaise quietly led the kids inside giving Hermione amd Ginny a few moments alone.
The two smiled at each other before pushing open the doors and walking in.

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