Chapter 5

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Hey everyone, all the characters belong to J.K. Rowling. Please vote and comment!!

Harry was having a good time at the reunion. He met some of Amanda's friends from school and introduced her to his. All in all the night was going great.

Lily had been dropped off at the kids room where Molly had been hired to watch them. She was a little upset at first, until she saw Hugo Weasley. The two had hit it off immediately, and were already becoming best friends.

Harry was standing at the side of the great hall talking to Ron and Neville. Amanda was standing off to the side with the Patil twins and Hannah Abbott.
"Any kids Neville?" Harry asked. He had lost contact with most of  his friends from school and was hoping to get to know them again.
"Yeah", Neville smiled, "Alice and Mark".

The door opening pulled their attention to the entrance. Two woman came in. The first was wearing a red dress with her brown in some sort of twist. The second wearing a blue dress with her red hair in a bun.

"Who are they?"
"Their dresses are so pretty!"
"I wonder what house they were in..."

The whispers followed them as they made their way to where Harry was standing.
"Hey Harry, it's been a while", the brunette said.
"Hermione??" Harry almost yelled. The girl smiled telling him he guessed right. "And Ginny?"
The girls nodded and Harry pulled them into a hug. Ron was next giving his sister a huge hug.
"How are you guys?" Harry asked them surprised they were actually here.
"We're good", Ginny said.

Amanda made her way over to her husband, grabbing his hand and smiling at Ginny and Hermione.
"This is my wife Amanda", Harry introduced, "Amanda these are two of my best friends from school, Hermione and Ginny".
"Nice to meet you both".
"You too".

The four of them and Ron, Parvati, Neville, and Luna who joined them, sat down at a table on the side. They started catching up, talking about random things.
Suddenly Parvati gasped, "When did you both get married??"
"What?!" Ron yelled.
"6 years next week", Hermione confessed looking at a ring on her finger. The ring was breathtaking, it was a silver with a red ruby and a green emerald.
Ginny smiled slightly as she said, "A few weeks after Hermione".
"Do you have any kids?" Harry asked happy for his friends.
Both girls nodded.
"I have three and Ginny has two", Hermione told them.

Just then a little girl ran up to Hermione.
"Mommy, I can't find Nora!"
Harry could tell the girl was panicked. She looked to be around five with brown wavy hair and grey startling eyes.
"It's alright Lyra", Hermione said to her daughter. "Where did you last see her?"
"By Uncle Blaise"
"Is she still there?" Ginny asked slightly panicked as well. Lyra shook her head.
"It's alright", Ginny told the shocking girl, "Let's go find her".

Ginny took Lyra's hand and led her away from the table.
"Whose kid was that?" Ron asked Hermione.
"That was my daughter Lyra, Nora is Ginny's three year old. Now excuse me, I better go help Ginny".

Hermione walked away in the direction where ginny had gone, leaving the group in silence. Harry sighed, he had so many questions and he could tell the others did too.
Hermione spotted Ginny and Lyra immediately. They were standing by the Slytherins. Nora was standing next to Ginny.
"Lyra," Hermione called, "I thought you said Nora disappeared?"
Lyra smiled sheepishly, "Daddy told me to do it".
Draco put a hand on his heart, "I did not!"
Hermione just sighed at her immature husband and daughter.
Ron was having agreat time, until he saw Hermione and Ginny talking to the Slytherins. Then he was angry. Angry that Hermione was talking to the Slytherins like they were her best friends. Angry that she had barely looked at him all night.
Ron marched over to them and pulled Hermione away. He had expected her to hug him and thank him for saving her. To his surprise, instead she glared at him.
"What was that for Ronald?"
Ron was confused, "You should be thanking me, I saved you from those snakes!"
Hermione just rolled her eyes at him and went back to talking to the Slytherins.
"What's going on here?" A voice asked behind them.
Ron turned to see Harry walking up to then, holding Lily.
"Hermione is talking to the snakes," he told Harry, pointing an accusing finger at Hermione.
"Hermione is allowed to talk to whoever she wants Ron," Harry told his with a tired sigh.
"Why would she want to talk to these death eaters?" Ron asked.
"They killed people!" Ron protested.
Malfoy came up and put an arm around Hermione, strangely that seemed to calm her.
"Get your hand off her Malfoy!" Ron yelled at him, fists clenched.
"And why Weasley," Malfoy said calmly, "should I not be able to give my wife a hug?"

Silence fell, everyone stared in shock at Hermione and Malfoy. No one could believe the two enemies had married. Hermione and Mapfoy had hated each other, there was no way they were married, right?

"Yes Ronald me and Draco are married", Hermione stated.
"But how?" Ron whispered still in shock.
"Well everyone, why don't we all sit down".

Hermione led the group to a table and they all sat down. Everyone stared at Hermione expectedly.
Hermione opened her mouth and started, "It all started teo years after I left to America. I had been walking around when I bumped into Draco. He had immediately apologized and asked if we could be friends. I was a little suspicious but agreed. The next few months were great, we became best friends. Finally a year after we became friends, he asked my out. We dated for a year and that was the best year of my life.
"He proposed on our one year anniversary and I said yes. The wedding was a small one just me, him Ginny Blaise. A year later on July 3rd, I gave birth to my twins, Lyra Aquila and Leo Aries. They were the best kids ever, always listening and making me laugh. When they were 3 I had my youngest Orion Caelum, born August 11th. Now two years later here we are.
"I know it will take you some time, but I'm hoping you guys could except Draco".

Silence followed the story, everyone waiting for Harry and Ron's response.
"Does he make you happy?" Harry asked.
Hermione nodded.
"Then welcome to the family, Malfoy".
Hermione gave him a hug, "Thank you Harry".
"If Harry is fine with it then so am I", Ron stated, "but I can't promise I will except him immediately. It will take my sometime".
Hermione nodded her thanks, giving him a hug too.

"I'm married to blaise", Ginny blurted out.

And that's the end. I'll let you guys imagine what happens next.
Thank you so much for reading my story!!
Comment how you liked it.

A Hogwarts ReunionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora