Driving Doctor Mayhem

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by: doctorhorrible1943

by: doctorhorrible1943

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Status: Completed

Summary written by the author:
PERSONAL ASSISTANT NEEDED. People skills optional. Ability to take drink orders preferred. Personal mode of transport a MUST. To Reply, Contact Dr. M's home office: 1-555-TRBLE-4-U (Idiots and those prone to knock-knock jokes need not apply.) ◎ ◎ ◎ Nobody in their right mind would respond to a help wanted listing so vague. Enter, Robin Banks. The wacky exploits of a narcoleptic super villain and his reluctant sidekick.


Plot- or character-driven?

A bit of both

Strong character development?


Lovable characters?

Yes :))

Diverse cast of characters?


Flaws of character a main focus? Nope.

Pace: Fast

POV: 1st POV 

Overall thought:
A fun, easy read. I've breezed through this book and it was just pure light and fun. If you want a fast, stress-free read with (good) chaotic characters, this one's for you.

The ending's a bit predictable but nonetheless, it still got me; might be because the short chapters didn't hinder me from being attached to the characters- Banks and Doctor Mayhem, most especially.


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