Boats on the ocean

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TW: Manipulation, smoking

Wilbur was look out to the water, sitting on the edge of his boat.

"GEORGE, COME HERE YOU ASSHOLE!!!" He screamed, making sure George heard him.

Wilbur saw him swim over to the boat and peek his head out of the water.

"Hey," He spoke, not wanting to seem excited.

"Hi Wilbur," George glanced at him with a small smile.

"why don't you come out and walk? You know we have to kill these god damn humans!" Wilbur was yelling at him, yet a bit of kindness was found in his voice.

"...I don't like walking. It feels...weird." George hesitated. He hated being out of the water.

It's fine-it's not like I care if I'm honest," Wilbur rolled his eyes and walked to the other side of the boat, looking for a cigarette.

"Does he really not care about what I do? .... no're being dramatic. he's your best friend..." George thought in silence before going back underwater.

After George left, Wilbur sighed and tied his boat to the dock. He began to walk, his books clacking on the wood as he made his way into town.

He walked around, making his way to thr bar when he bumped into somebody.

"Wilbur?" Fundy questioned.

"FURRY?!!!" He was overjoyed, since he hadn't seen him in a long time. Wilbur grinned. "How are you son?"

Technically, he wasn't his biological father but he was Fundy's father figure, so fundy still used 'dad' or 'father' when he was talking to Wilbur. He did the same, typically calling him son, or in come cases, furry.

"I'm great! What are you doing out of the ocean?" Fundy, being the innocent child asked.

"I was just wandering around- aren't you suppose to be in the ocean too?"

"Heh, Yeah-but I came to visit some old friends in this part."

Wilbur thought for a second. "Would you like to go to the bar with me?" He looked at him with a small but soft smile.
"Yeah! Sure."

The two walked to the bar and order some drinks.

"How come I never saw you again? You.. kinda
disappeared from me." Fundy said looking down to the floor.

Wilbur looked away. "Things happened son...I had to stay on the surface." He smiled, lying to Fundy.

He was bit confused, but ignored it, just happy to see Wilbur again.


This is my first book so don't really judge me ok😨
This chapter is really short 💀 but the others won't be I promise(maybe).  Anyways thanks for reading!

Also tHaNkS to my mother friend isa for eDiTiNg and PrOoF rEaDiNg- she got her own work if u wanna check it out or smth- Lasha_93 )

Word count: 468

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