And they meet....

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Ahaan's POV :
I blinked my eyes as the sunlight entered my room... I groaned, then blinking my eyes opened them... My eyes fell on the figure beside me... She was the minister's daughter and was pretty... She had sleek black waist length hair and was curvy just like I liked ..I smirked at the thought of last night on how she moaned my name like a chant...
She wriggled as the sun hit her face...I sighed as I got up to do my regular routine...
As I got up from the bed I heard her---
" You leaving, so soon your majesty"
She said with a smirk....
I smirked back at her ...
"Yeah...and I expect you to leave before I come back"--- I replied back
She cheeks flared red from embarrassment.... I pulled my night gown and left to bathroom for a good warm bath....
Today was going to be a long and an eventful day... Today my father will announce me as the next king... I am going to be the next king of this kingdom.... But before that i needed to go for the hunt.... It's early and i might find a deer or two.... I think hunting would surely clear my mind from this hectic schedule....
After a short bath, I secretly left the palace and went to my favorite horse... It neighed as  soon as he saw me....
I didn't want any guards with me today, I wanted this hunt for myself.... I mounted the horse and raced towards the jungle.... The cold air hit me in the face as I rode faster.... Hunting is always something I do to clear my mind.... And now I knew that my life was going to change in many ways and so were my responsibilities....
I rode faster and faster but slowed eventually when I found a the lush of trees and grass.. I might have a hour or so before my mother would come and wake me up and if she knew I sneaked out without the guards she would go ballistic..  Thinking of my mother a smile spread across my face... Though, she was step mom, she took care of me like her own son.... She loved me to bits......
I soon found myself in the middle of the forest... I mounted down my horse and walked it as riding it would alert the deers.... I walked deeper and deeper into the forest thinking about what and how i would manage this new responsibility.....
Just then I heard some rustling in the bushes nearby... I prepared to hunt.....
I gripped hard on my bow and approached closer towards my prey.... as i made my way towards the bush i noticed a figure seated in between the bushes...the figure had its back faced towards me and it covered itself with a black over coat whose edges were picking the dust.....
I walked closer in an attempt to know who was the particular figure when I stepped on a bunch of dry leaves..... I cursed under my breath as the figure or should I say a girl turned towards me.....

Ishqi's POV:
Finally, we arrived at this rajgarh palace... It was almost midnight and as father expected we reached on time... Father and the king a long time were bestest of friends but, due to unknown reasons now had a fight going on between them.... But, still the king had invited us to the coronation ceremony because he still liked dad....
As it was midnight I was already very sleepy so after meeting the king and thr queen I left to sleep in my room....
After turning and turning on the bed for almost an hour a decided to  go and wander in the palace..... Firstly I sneakily checked on mom and dad who were sleeping peacefully, then I checked on tanya who was sleeping peacefully... Then I wandered in the east quater then the West....
After wandering and wandering I  discovered a beautiful room... It had carvings on it and was decorated... I traced my hand through the carvings just when I heard some sounds coming from inside... Being curious I leaned in to hear properly when I heard moans of a girl... I immediately wished I hadn't listened... As I ran for my life I ended up looking inside through a open window and i just paused there for a moment... There was it man.... He was just beautiful.... The sheets were covering the rest of his body but failed to cover his abs.... The girl lying next to him wriggled bringing me back from my reverie...
I rushed from there directly to my room...
All i thought about the entire night was the same man I saw... Somehow I couldn't get him out of my head....
Who was he?
Soon it was morning.... And while coming to the palace I head seen a forest... I decided to go there just to clear my head...
I wrapped a black shawl over me and walked towards the forest... The fresh air filled my lungs as I half walked and ran to the forest.... The sky was in the shade of pink and orange and the morning breeze was a bliss....
I walked into the forest... As I walked deeper and deeper I heard something behind the bushes... I went inside as quietly and slowly as possible.....
Next thing I saw was a group of deers wandering there.... I sat there adored the beauty of those deers....
I didn't even know how long I sat there thinking about life.... Just then I heard something rustling behind me... I turned in a second towards the source of the sound...
And there was the same man.... The man I saw half naked in his room yesterday... The man who I couldn't remove from my head the entire night.... And all I did was stare at him wide eyed............

Love you....
Happy navratri....

**ignore the typos if any...

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