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Year 1823...
Place : Central province, North India's Capital:

The palace shook as loud cries of the queen echoed in the entire palace...All the maids rushed following the orders of the Rajvaidya who was helping the queen in delivering the baby...
The king paced outside the chambers of his beloved wife whose cries where scaring him....
" Maharani.... Push...."---- cried the nurse who was helping the rajvaidya..
The queen with all the energy left in her pushed hard, gasping on air as she did so...
" Bas thoda sa aur maharani ji.... Aap bohot acccha kar rahi hai....."--- said the rajvaidya as queen pushed again .....
After a few more hard pushes ...the queen couldn't take the pain anymore...
She called her most trusted maid .....
" Vaidehi...  Please call him...I need to see him..."--- she said referring to the king ....
Vaidehi ran to call the king.....
"Maharaj .... The queen is summoning need to come with me...."
She said as a tear slipped from her cheeks,as she saw her queen in so much pain....
As the king reached the queen he heard cries of a baby...his eyes welled up in joy as he saw a small baby cradling in the arms of the Rajvaidya...
R- It's a boy....
She announced with joy...
R- maharani,Maharaj it's a boy....
She said to a overjoyed Maharaj and profusely sweating maharani...She then gently took the baby for a bath as he cried...
Maharaj went and sat next to his wife who looked pale and exhausted...
Maharaj - Aadhya it's a boy...
Maharani looked at him and smiled slightly..
Maharani - Name him ahaan.... She said ..
While the king looked at her confused...
She drew a shaky breath, as she struggled to talk...
Maharani - I won't be there to see him grow up and become a mighty warrior like you....I won't be there to see him become a powerful and wonderful king like you...but tell him I will always be there  with him...
Maharaj forrowed his eye brows,unable to understand what the queen was talking about...
Maharaj- what are you talking about aadhya...
Just then she started breathing heavily...
With every ounce of energy left she talked...
Maharani- get him here I want to see him once, hold him..
She said with much difficulty..
The rajvaidya rushed towards the queen with the child and gave him to her...
Maharaj ordered the rajvaidya to check on his queen who was breathing heavily...
She spoke weakly as she caressed her child's face...
Maharani- he's got your lips and nose, but like I told you he has my eyes..
She said while the king's eyes welled up ...he understood that his queen was to die ...he started crying....
Just then maharani spoke her last words..
Maharani - I love you Maharaj.... And tell him I loved him...a lot....

She said and then her breathing grew rapid as she struggled for air to fill in her lungs..
All the maids and nurses surrounded her trying to help her...she drew  some last shaky breaths as she had her child in one hand while other held Maharaj's....
Then in seconds she stopped struggling .....
Maharaj looked at the Rajvaidya who sighed in defeat..
Maharaj sat there stunned... He loved his wife who was no longer there with him... He slowly closed her open eyes and a sob broke free from his lips... All the maids and the nurses sat there in silence as they had lost there queen...
Maharaj - how?
He asked the rajvaidya.....
R- Maharaj... She was weak.... After her first miscarriage... She was weak to concieve.... She knew all along.. That... That it would be very... Very difficult for her to stay alive if she gave birth..... I gave some medicines to her...... Before.... But, they failed to work........
I am so sorry Maharaj....

She replied trembling....

Maharaj was too devasted to reply...
He called vedehi to take care of the child and asked everyone to leave.....

And he sat there mourning over the death of his love, wife and his queen....

All along he just whisperred to her lifeless body of how much he loved her, and how he would provide their child the love of both the parents and how he would  fulfill  her last wish.....

After 21 years....

There was different glow on the faces of every resident of the central province as today was the day the king was going to declare his first child Prince Ahaan as the future king...
The palace was looking more beautiful than ever and all the kingdoms across were sent invitations to attend the ceremony... The security was alerted to the highest level as today all the enemies and friends we're going to be under the same roof...
Prince ahaan was known to be the most handsome and attractive prince of the time, following by his half- brother Prince kartik who was known among the girls for his swoon worthy dimples...
Apart from killer personality and perfect attractive features the duo was also known for there skills...
While ahaan was perfect in sword fighting, kartik was known for his archery skills...
Both were each other's strengths and also weakness...
And today was the day the destiny had planned for over 21 years....
The day the duo would meet their own destiny, their soulmates...


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