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You know what's funny? Love. Love is fucking funny. So many people have died protecting someone they loved. Mother's give their lives during birth because they love their babies. Fathers go to war to protect his kids and wife from possible doom because why? He loves them.

I never thought that love shit was real. I barely knew my mother but I loved her, at least I think I did. I love Dante he practically raised me but he was my brother I didn't really have a choice. Funny enough so I even love devi. I wanna kill the fucker and ram his head through a brick wall, but I love him.

Mila. My sweet sweet little mouse. I understood true love when I met her. Those fucking sad eyes made me want to repent for my sins and douce myself with holy water. I knew I was going to hell the moment I joined the mafia. Mila she was going the other way she was going to paradise when her time came.

You best believe that I will make whatever speech I have to make to be right there with her in the after life. Seeing her in this hospital bed, noticing that she was slowly dying inside and I didn't know kills me.

She lost so much so fast it made my head spin. I know I'm mostly to blame for everything i told dante we shouldn't tell her. Believe me I wanted to but I couldn't bare her looking at me like I was my father.

I never wanted her eyes to look up at me with fear. I wanted her love, her trust , her heart.

Grabbing her hand softly I kiss her cold knuckles. The nurses put a heated blanket on her to help warm her up. Apparently she went into shock and wasn't drowning for as long as we thought she was thank god.

Huh. Thank god. Listen to me.

Brushing my thumb over her knuckles i side glance at my brothers. Dante is in the arm chair doing work on his lap top stopping every few seconds to glance at Mila.

Devi is leaning against the wall zoned out and deep in thought but his eyesight is definitely on her. When I found out my oldest brother had a thing for my girl I was furious.

I have never shared with anyone except dante and for a moment I wanted to tell him to go to whatever shithole he was in before coming here and leave her alone. That was until I saw him going to therapy.

My fucked up no feeling sadistic brother was going to therapy. For her. To be better. For her.

I never knew anyone else could feel true devotion to Mila like me and dante. Devi was as closed off as it came worse so then Dante. It takes a lot for someone to admit they have trauma and issues, to go seek help. He was doing it 3 times a week every week.

In the end though, it didn't matter how much he got better , what he said or what he did. If Mila didn't want him we wouldn't force her to love him.

Devi may be a monster but when it comes to her if she told him to back off he would. Simply because just like dante and I he would burn this world down to the ground for her she just didn't know it yet.

Thinking about where this relationship could go with the three of us had my head spinning. I knew one thing though either Mila was coming home with us or the three of us were sleeping on the floor in her room.

Mila changed a lot when we found out our baby girl didn't make it. For a moment I was Afraid of what it would do to her. I know what it did to me. Every time I saw a couple with a child I wanted to punch something.

I never knew I wanted kids so badly until I had one and lost her. My sweet little angel I often wonder would she come out looking just like her mother. Her eyes ? Her smile ? Her hair?

Waking up to that everyday , my sweet little mouse and my darling baby girl sleep next to me and my brother what a sight for sore eyes.

I know me and dante don't deserve happiness we never claimed to deserve it, but mila.. she deserved that little girl. That family she's always wanted that connection that bond and it was taken from her.

Taken from us.

I am slightly pulled out of my thoughts when Mila stirs on the bed with a slight groan. All of our eyes shoot to her now open ones.

She blinks rapidly a few times and hisses closing her eyes back putting her arm over her eyes. Devi being the closest quickly turns out the lights just leaving the now sun set warm orange and pink colors glow through the window.

"I- where am I what happened?" Mila croaks softly as I hand her some water. She takes a few healthy gulps before she hands it back slowly sinking down into the bed.

"You scared the shit out of me is what " Devi rough voice sounds out through the room.

Mila looks over at him noticing the bags under his eyes he's sporting and the tiredness on all our faces.

Her lip wobbles slightly before she sniffle and sinks further into the covers.

"I'm sorry" she says weakly wrapping her arms around myself.

My heart breaks at the sight and before I know it I'm climbing my big ass in that bed and pulling her small body against mine.

Turning her to face me I place her head on my chest wrapping my arms around her as she sobs softly.

What surprises me is when instead of dante getting up and getting behind her like I expected he gives Devi a look that tells him to take that place instead.

Confusion crosses me and Devi face before he shrugs and slowly climbs into bed behind mila. Her body stiffens against mine before she relaxes my shirt soaked with her tears.

"Can I hold you? I don't wanna do anything else but just help take the pain away " he says in her ear softly. She slowly nods her head.

"Yes.. you can hold me."

My brother slowly wraps his arms around her small waist as I shift a bit running my fingers through her hair. She lets out a soft tired hum and closes her eyes  fully relaxing.

Devi looks scared shitless he's worried any sudden movements will make her pull away so he simply just stays still holding her until once again exhaustion takes over her small body.

Before she fall asleep she mumbles something.. words that have all of us overcome with sadness.

"I saw her... she was beautiful.. so small Hailey is watching over her now.. she's okay " my little mouse says softly before falling deep into sleep.

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