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I did it! I graduated. Walking across that stage and getting my diploma has been the best thing that has happened to me in awhile. I throw my cap up in the air and blow a silent kiss to the wind for my girls.

Taking my time I make my way down the stairs meeting Carter in the crowd. He pulls me tightly into his arms kissing my hair giving me the best smile he can manage.

"I'm so proud of you lala, I'm really really proud of you " Carter says with so much emotion in his voice it makes my head spin. Carter has done a complete 360 and it's worrying me. He went from not caring and drinking to cleaning his room and securing a job. I don't know what happened but in two weeks he's made it seem like he didn't lose the love of his life.

" I love you Carter" looking into his bright but dull eyes I stare at him hoping he sees just how much I really do love him. I'm his best friend I will always be here for him and I hope he knows that.

He takes my hand as we make our way through the busy crowd and I wave and say a quick few words to my fellow classmates.

On the drive home we talk normally about the hospitals that have been asking me to work for them. I have 3 to pick from and I'm trying to make the right choice. Carter tries to ease the situation while making slight dad jokes like he always use too lightening the mood ten fold. As we walk through the door I let out a small laugh.

"Carter that is the stupidest joke I have ever hear-" the words die in my throat as I stand still. On my couch is the 2 men I have been aching to see for months and their brother on the arm chair. My heart speeds up in my chest as 3 sets of eyes connect to mine.

"Little mouse" ace growls looking like he's ready to tear me to shreds and make me beg for mercy but in the best ways. My chest rises and falls quickly as i sallow a lump in my throat taking a step back. I feel Carter behind me him too being stunned and not knowing what to say.

"I told you so" Devi says with an evil smirk making me shiver slightly. Now I could be a reasonable smart adult and talk to them or I can run like I always do. Making up my mind quickly I know what I must do.

Devi gives me a look that says I shouldn't and I feel the warning in Carter stance but I don't care. All I see is ace and Dante bleeding out on the floor instead of Hailey. I see us losing our daughter all over again I see the arguments the lies and the 3 weeks where I was heartbroken missing them dying inside.

I bolt towards my room as ace quickly hops over the back of the couch chasing after me. If it wasn't for my head start he would've caught me but luck was on my side. Slamming the door in his face and locking it I put my back to the door.

"Little mouse" he bangs on the door " let me in I've given you months... fucking months to grieve the way you wanted to. I've cried for you I've killed for you I've drowned myself in bottle after bottle for you every night I couldn't hold you and make it better. I'm a fucking mess do you hear me... I fucking need you to see that. I lost Hailey too I lost our daughter too I lost you." He sobs angrily while banging on the door.

My heart breaks in my chest as the tears stream down my face. " I think of you... and only you. You're in my dreams , you're in my nightmares you are so close but yet so fucking far and it hurts me you hurt me. I'm sorry I lied to you I'm so fucking sorry.. I will never lie to you again." His voice is so thick with emotions that I feel like I can't breath. He's so broken so hurt.

"Mila... baby... I love you. I'm so fucking Inlove with you...please..please. I just need you okay. I can't do this anymore I don't want to do this anymore without you" I sniffle letting his words flow through me.

"I love you ace.. that's all I can give you right now" I say through my tears.

"Open the door baby.. talk to me.. please I. Just talk to me" he pleads. Grabbing the door handle I unlock it slowly. The soft click that I know reaches his ears has me moving away from the door. Sitting on the edge of my bed I wait. The knob turning lets me know there is no going back as ace walks in closing the door behind him.

For a moment he stays by the door taking in every inch of me. He doesn't hide the tears in his eyes or the sadness in his voice. I missed him... god I missed him so much I've missed them both. Before I know it he's on his knees in front of me kissing my shaking hands.

"I love you ace" I say it again hoping he knows that never changed that my distance is because I'm scared not because I don't want them anymore.

" It hurts to love you. It hurts so fucking much. And I can't breath. I can't sleep I can't eat. And I miss you I ache for you, I need you as much as you need me I need you more. I need you both" I say looking towards Dante who is now standing in the door with tears in his eyes.

"I love you" I say in general as they stare at me. I haven't said it in months. They keep saying in texts I'm voicemails in presents on the gift cards. They always say it.

Ace rough hand cups my cheek brushing my tears away quickly. My body slumps accepting his warmth as my lip wobbles slightly.

"We love much little dove" dante says.

"Forever" ace says.

"And always " Devi says causing my eyes to shoot up to him quickly.

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