Ashlyn x Aiden - Sleepy

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It didn't surprise the group that much when Ashlyn and Aiden began dating.

Like sure, Ashlyn wasn't the easiest to get close to and Aiden was a psycho bitch, but they had always seemed like they'd be a good pairing in their books. They'd seen the way they would act towards the other, no matter how subtle they'd try to be.

From the moment one would walk into the room, the other would brighten up. Even if Ashlyn originally considered Aiden to be a nuisance, he'd grown on her to the point she'd consider him her first real friend (and best friend). And for Aiden, he's honored to know that.

He loves Ashlyn so much, from the way she's able to lead the group so well despite being as young as them and in the same horrific situation to how, despite being cold, she genuinely cared about them.  She may have a hard time showing it to them as she's literally never had a friend before, but he's so happy that she tries for them. He knows how annoying he can be, he knows that's why he doesn't get along with most people, but he's glad she likes him for him.




He likes to cuddle with her a lot.

She says she doesn't really like it (she does)

Aiden's arm was draped over her back, clutching her body to his chest as they lay flat on the couch with a large, cozy, soft blanket covering the both of them, leaving only room for their heads to peek through. His other hand was occupied by the remote, switching through different videos to watch on the large TV in his room.

Ben was to be out for a while longer, spending it with his girlfriend Taylor. They were out at the mall to watch a movie and go through any store they'd find appealing.

It wasn't that late, in all honesty, considering it was only 9:35. However, the constant torment of Ashlyn and the rest being forced back into the hell that was the Phantom Dimension had them all beat down pretty bad, as evidence from them always falling asleep in class.

So could you blame Ashlyn for slowly drifting off into sleep while laying on her boyfriend's chest?


Of course, Aiden has no complaints at all as he peers his eyes over to Ashlyn, her fluttering eyes flickering over to gaze at him.

'She's so adorable'

"Get some rest, Ash. We still have enough time before we'll be going back to the Phantoms, and you're barely keeping up with any of the videos I'm putting on! You hurt me." he whispered to her with a playful tone in his voice, earning a chuckle from Ashlyn.

"You don't look so well yourself." she said before giving him a light kiss on the lips, reaching her hand to pull the blanket over them completely, wrapping her arms around his neck to keep him close to her. Close enough to hear each other's hearts, beating rapidly in their chest.




"Is that any way to ask me to nap with you, princess?"

"...shut up before I wipe that stupid grin off your face and kick you off the couch."

"I'd like to make it known that this is my room and therefore MY cou-"

Aiden flushed red as he felt Ashlyn's finger lightly pressing to his lips before giving her a sweet, charming smile and patting her head affectionately, running his hand through her long ginger hair.

"Night Aiden."

"G'night my firebug! I love you~"

"Love you, too."



i love them, the sweet little babies. it's pretty short but hey, i think it turned out alright! i really like fluff fics so i decided to try making one to the best of my ability lol

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