-the snowball:season 2 finale-

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-Y/N's POV-

It's been a month since we closed the gate, and everyone seems happier. My ankle healed very nicely, and ever since I had to have someone help me walk everywhere for 3 whole weeks I've been taking advantage of being able to run around, walk, and play.

The snowball is tonight, and I'm hoping Dustin will open his eyes and see how stupid he is. I'm praying to an imaginary god that he likes me like I like him.

On that note, I have to get ready early so Nancy can take me with her. She volunteered to help with the punch bowl and Johnathan is doing pictures. This was the best way I could think of avoiding mom's camera.

"Ow! Nancy! That hurts!" I whined as she pulled back a braid

"No it doesn't. You're being a baby." She made two small braids and pulled them back, she tied them together with a deep blue ribbon and left the rest down

"You're not curling my hair." I crossed my arms

"I don't want to." she stood back looking at what she'd just done "Look."

I stood up and walked over to the mirror on the back of my door "Hm, I look.."

"Amazing." She finished for me

I stood in a blue long sleeve shirt, the sleeves are puffed around my wrist. I have black jeans and black Converse on

"C'mon we'll be late if we don't hurry" Nancy grabbed my arm and pulled me outside


"Jesus Mike- you look like, uh, not Mike." I laughed as he walked over to Me, Lucas, and Max

"You don't look like yourself either, well except the shoes." He crossed his arms.

I looked over towards the crowd to see Dustin walking to us, his hair was styled up

"Holy shit!" I laughed as did a spin

"What happened to you?" Mike questioned

"What do you mean, 'what happened'?" Dustin's smile dropped



"Your hair." Max laughed

"Is there a bird nesting in there?" Lucas put his hand to Dustin's hair

"No! There's no bird nesting in there, asshole! Okay? Y/N what do you think?" Dustin looked at me with pleading eyes

"I think I like it." I shrugged and smiled

"You think?!" Mike nudged me with his elbow

"I like it, Dust." I smiled

"See, Y/N likes it. Assholes! I worked hard" Dustin whined

A slow song started playing "Uh, hey, I'm gonna go get some more punch" I told Mike and walked off

"You having fun?" Nancy asked handing me a cup of punch

"As much fun as I can have at an 8th grade dance" I sighed looking out at the crowd. As I looked one person stood out the most, Dustin. He was standing there, clearly upset, alone.

"You should dance with him." Nancy said

"I want to dance with him."

"Then go, or you're walking home." She said like there was nothing wrong with that.

I looked back out to the crowd to see Dustin gone. I went over to the bleachers and saw him sitting behind some streamers that hung from the ceiling

I pushed the streamers out the way "Hey Dust"

He wiped tears off his face "Hey."

"Wanna dance?" I put my hand out

"What?" He looked up at me

"Let's dance." I said taking both his hands and walking through the streamers backwards

"Y/N, you don't-" he started

"I don't have to? You're right. I want to." I smiled at him

"I don't know how to dance." He said

"Here." I placed his hands on my hips and mine on his shoulders "Closer." he stepped ever so slightly closer

"Dustin, I'm not going to bite you. A little closer." I smiled as he stepped closer "Let the music guide you. It's all about the music. Yeah, like that."

"Good?" He asked

"that's good. Yeah" I couldn't stop smiling "You know, you shouldn't change yourself for a girl, if she doesn't like you for you, then she's no good."

"I know." He looked down then back up at me

"You're perfect the way you are. And.." I looked towards a group of girls looking at us "Stacy can't see that, none of her fake plastic friends can either. But you'll find the right one soon."

"You really think so?" he looked at Stacy

"oh, I know so."

"Y/N..I, uh, I like you. Like, more than a friend." he looked into my eyes. I was stunned, he'd finally said it my heart raced

After a minute I finally spoke "Dustin, do you know how long I've been waiting for you to say that?"

"How long?"

"A year."

"That long? God, I'm an idiot!"

"I know." I chuckled

He leaned in slowly connecting our lips, it felt like a huge firework went off inside my stomach. This was the moment I had been waiting for, for nearly a year. We pulled apart after a few seconds and I hugged him, laying my head on his shoulder

'every breath you take' started playing

"Oh, god- this song is creepy. C'mon" I said pulling Dustin over to the picture booth

"Hey Y/N, Dustin" Johnathan smiled at me

"Hi Johnathan" I said stepping over so he could take our picture

"Not dancing?" He asked

"This songs to creepy to dance to" I smiled and pulled Dustin close to me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood beside him

"Ready?" Johnathan asked

"Ready." Me and Dustin said together. As Johnathan took the picture I kissed Dustin's cheek

"oh I see what's going on." Johnathan crossed his arms

"Shhh don't tell" I joked. I grabbed Dustin's wrist and pulled him to the bleachers. We sat and talked for a while, we made fun of Stacy and her friends, we sang songs together, danced a few more times, teased Lucas and Max.


"Max!" I shouted running to her with my arms open

"I kissed Lucas!" Max smiled

"No way! Dustin kissed me!" I laughed


I looked at Dustin he was standing behind Lucas as I turned and gently shoved max forward, Dustin doing the same to Lucas causing them to kiss

"Y/N! I'm gonna murder you!" Max shouted at me as I ran to the bleachers with Dustin


"Y/N if he does anything stupid I'm ripping his head off." Mike crossed his arms

"Blah, blah, if you break El's heart I'm chopping your dick off." I threw my empty cup at him

"chopping his-?" El started repeating me

"WHOA DO NOT REPEAT ME" I covered her mouth as everyone laughed


That night the whole party was there, even El, and honestly I had more fun than I expected. Everyone came over afterwards and we had a big sleepover in the basement. I'm glad we beat the mind flayer. And I'm glad El closed the gate. I'm glad I get to be surrounded by people I love every single day.


-1169 words-

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