Chapter 1

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Freddy's is crowded and busy as a large birthday party is happening. A man hidden in a golden bunny costume lurks in the shadows looking for his next victim as his brother works in the security office.

"Hey Fritz, Gabriel. Have you two seen Susie?" a young boy, Jeremy, asked his friends. "Nope. Sorry dude" Fritz replied. "I'm sorry but I haven't either" responded Gabriel, the birthday boy. "It's ok. I'll keep looking for her" said Jeremy in a reassuring tone before walking off.

"I know where your little friend is" said a voice from the shadows. "Huh? Who's there? Where is Susie?!" Jeremy asked, fear lacing his voice. "Right this way" says the voice, stepping out to show he's just a guy in a yellow bunny costume. "Alright..." Jeremy hesitantly said, wary of the stranger in the costume.

They enter a small room with a single dim lamp hanging from the ceiling to light the room. "What is this room?" Jeremy asks curiously, his eyes falling on a strange object on the floor. He walks over to it and realizes that it's Susie. "No hard feelings ok" says the man before he stabs Jeremy, the child dying almost instantly.


His eyes slightly open. "It' dark..." he thinks. He seems to be falling endlessly. "I' tired..." He falls back asleep.


William is helping his twin sons, Tyler and Michael, clean up the pizzeria after closing. "Hey Dad..Uncle Vincent did it again" Michael said after finding the corpses of 4 children. "Really? In my restaurant?" William groans out in frustration. "Ill just talk to him when we're done here. Ty you can clean the blood" "What?! Why me?!" Tyler asked, slightly angry at his father. "You know how to get blood off the floor" William answered blankly. "...good point" Tyler responded in slight defeat. William then goes to get the bodies and placed each one in a suit. "There. Now no one will search this place. I'll go wipe the cameras if any evidence" William said before going back to the security office.


Woo! Chapter 1 complete! Hope you guys enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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