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Some time after you dropped Akane and Inui off your phone buzzed in your pocket.

Boss is a gremlin: «Can we hang out?»

You typed a quick reply and got on your bike once he texted you to meet him at the shrine.

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As soon as you got off from your bike Mikey surprise hugged you "Wha- oh hi Mikey" "hey!" He took a step back and looked up at you "Did you need something?" He shook his head "Just wanted to hang out with you" you hummed "Want to eat something? We can go to a seven eleven get some snacks" you started walking and raised an eyebrow when Mikey held your hand "You're cold..." He shoved your intertwined hands inside his coat's pocket "Ah, for some reason my hands are always cold" 

"So Mikey, how have you been?" He stared at the floor for a few seconds "Would you believe if I said I was okay?" "No" "I'm getting better" "That's good" you smiled and made sure you had your wallet once you two stopped in front of the convenience store "You like dorayakis right?" He nodded "Alright then, go see if they sell dorayakis here and I'll get some snacks for us" he let go of your hand and you two went into different isles.

You grabbed some chips and different types of candy then moved to the freezers and got some drinks "hmm, should I get frozen pizzas? Yeah why not" you grabbed two frozen pizzas and went to the cashier "Can I leave these things here while I look for my friend?" The older man nodded with a smile "Thank you sir" you went into the isle Mikey had disappeared into and saw him coming back with two dorayakis "Only two?" He nodded "I heard you don't like to spend your money" you scratched the back of your neck and grabbed more dorayaki "Shut up, you are my friend so I'm okay with spending money with you"

"Are you sure?" You nodded and went to the cashier, your arms full of dorayakis "Here hold it for me" you gave Mikey the dorayakis and fished your wallet from inside your jacket's pocket "Is this enough sir?" You gave him some money and he nodded "Have a goodnight" "You too!" You grinned before grabbing the plastic bags that contains the snacks you bought "Let me carry son" "No" "But [Name]-" "No Mikey, just relax and eat your dorayakis" 

"Where are we going?" "My father's house" "What about your bike?" "I can ask one of my brothers to get it from me" you looked around "I can make Sol grab it if I offer him food" the blonde tilted his head "Sol?" "Yeah, Soloreth is his name actually, he's my older brother" 

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You and Mikey stepped inside the house and the first thing you did was go to the kitchen to put the frozen pizzas on the oven, after doing that you grabbed Mikey's hand and led him to your room "Your father's house is... Really big" "Yeah, I don't like it here that much" "Why not?" "I get lonely easily so I stay outside or with my brothers most of the time" Mikey hummed "You... Can call me whenever you feel lonely" you let go of his hand so you could set your console for you two to play "Are you sure?" You looked back at him and smiled once he nodded "Thank you Manjiro" 

You set the snacks on the coffee table in front of your tv and pulled a box full of games from under your bed "Choose a game for us" he kneeled before the box and you shoved the drinks inside the mini freezer you had in your room and left the room to grab the pizzas.

On your way to the kitchen you saw Sol leaving the basement "Hey Sol" "ah [Nickname], you brought a guy home again?" "Ah... I did" "Cool" you two stared at each other in silence "Can you go fetch Ragnarok for me? I'll bake you a cake tomorrow" "Have I ever told you that you are my favorite sibling?" "You did" "Good" you gave him the key and he rushed to the door "I want a chocolate cake!" "Alright!" You chuckled and went to the kitchen.

You took the pizza from the oven and cut it before shoving the other one inside the oven and going back to your room with two plates and pizza.

"I'm back Mikey" He looked at you and held up two games "Do you want to play Super Mario world or Mortal kombat?" You set the plates down and served pizza for both of you before getting up and grabbing two cups from the top of your mini freezer "We could play mortal kombat and Mario after it" he nodded and got up to put the game in the console.

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...Hey I hope you enjoyed the fluff chapters where I made [Name] hang out with some old friends and get closer to other characters, I plan to make shit go down soon enough :]

Hey I hope you enjoyed the fluff chapters where I made [Name] hang out with some old friends and get closer to other characters, I plan to make shit go down soon enough :]

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Have a drawing I made for my ex (she was Senju and I was Kazutora in a rp group we were together)

I also have another one that features Baji and Smiley but I put zero effort into the other one-

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