The encounter

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Taehyung was outside in the woods and by Jungkook's familiar scent, he went to Jungkook's old home and found a bunch of wolves as he was walking in they were snarling at him yelling Trespasser!!. Taehyung said I come in peace I just want to see the former King and queen of wolf kingdom. Then two wolves jumped in front of him. They yelled. Why should we let a lowlife like you see the rulers of this kingdom. Taehyung said they are no longer the rulers. Taehyung asked the two wolves what their names were. One of them said my name is Kim Namjoon, my mate Kim Seokjin. What do you want? Taehyung whispered to the two mates, Jungkook he is alive and well. He has moved in with me. Taehyung could see the rage in both of their eyes. Namjoon said " How dare you take the prince!" Taehyung said " Would you keep your voice down!" Seokjin came in front of Namjoon and said " If you talk to him like that again I will personally rip your throat out and feed you to my- Namjoon said " Calm down my love" Seokjin said " Fine" Namjoon said " Take us to the prince" Taehyung said " If I take you to him I'm not giving him back. Namjoon snarled and snapped at Taehyung. Taehyung said " He is my mate, he is my omega, my property." Namjoon said " I don't believe you" Taehyung said " Just come to my house tomorrow" Seokjin said " We don't know where you live- he was cut off by a young wolf who came up to them and said " m-mom who is this?" Taehyung thought mom? Namjoon read Taehyung's thoughts and said " This is our son Kim Jimin." Say hello Jimin" H-hello, nice to meet you. He hid behind his parents. Taehyung said " I will give you my address but we're going to talk tomorrow at noon sharp. Namjoon looked at Jin who nodded and said " Fine we'll be there, but if we find out that you've been hurting him you'll be dead." They both walked away. Jimin following them.

As Taehyung was walking away he stopped and sniffed the air. He smelled......vampires!! He turned around and sure enough Yoongi and Hoseok were standing behind him. He said " I don't have time for this you two." Yoongi said " You have something or I should say someone that belongs to us." Taehyung said " I don't know what you're talking about." Hoseok bared his fangs and said " You might as well give him to us once he finds out your secret he'll never want to see you again." Taehyung said " I just need to earn his trust."

Yoongi said " Its only gonna be a matter of time before you slip up." Taehyung said " You don't have any attractive vampires in your sad." Hoseok pounced on the wolf and Taehyung immediately changed forms and bit the vampire and Yoongi sunk his teeth into the wolfs neck which should have temporarily paralyzed him. When Taehyung got back up and healed himself the two brothers looked at each other. How did you do that?! Taehyung laughed you shouldn't mess with me again, because truly I'm just sparing your pathetic little lives. Hoseok said " It's time to go brother. Yoongi nodded and they both disappeared.

Taehyung cleaned himself up and went back home. He arrived home and he closed the door as quietly as possible. He went upstairs to check on Jungkook, he was still sound asleep. Taehyung was relieved. He went to his room and showered then laid in bed. He was bone tired after tonight. One thing was keeping him awake though. The words of the vampires rung in his head.

It's only a matter of time until you slip up!
What do you think is gonna happen when he finds out your secret.

Jungkook's pov: I was sound asleep until I heard someone come home. I ignored it at first and then I thought what is Taehyung doing? I got out of bed then went down the hall. I opened his door and he was sleeping. I went over to his bed and sat down beside him, I don't know why but seeing him sleep peacefully gave him a feeling of comfort. Sleep soundly my Alpha.


Taehyung woke up and said " Did you just call me your Alpha?" Jungkook blushed and said " NO!" You must be hearing things" Taehyung pulled him closer and smiled saying I can't wait to mate with you my omega. Jungkook looked up at him and asked " what does that mean?" Taehyung said " You'll figure out soon enough" Jungkook said " I'm excited to find out" Jungkook asked " Where did you go tonight?" Taehyung said " I went back to your home and encountered some old friends of yours." They say their names are Namjoon and Seokjin." Jungkook asked " Why did you go back?" Taehyung said " I'm sorry baby but I just needed some information." Jungkook growled lowly. Taehyung felt it and said " Don't worry they can't take you away from me." I just asked them to meet me here so we could talk." Jungkook yelled " WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?." Taehyung told him to lower his voice. Jungkook didn't listen though. He was furious. They're going to try and take me back home but I want to stay here and learn about the human world I want to stay here....protected Jungkook started crying. Taehyung picked him up and reassured him. Nobody is going to take you away from me my omega. I will protect you and provide for you. I protected you from those vampires didn't I? Jungkook nodded. Taehyung said " I know your parents are dead but you have me now." You still get to see your parents friends." Are they your friends too?" Jungkook nodded. I see they have a son too? Jungkook wiped his tears and said " His name is Jimin. Taehyung said " yes" He seems shy but I'm sure he will warm up to you." Jungkook said yes he always does." Taehyung smiled and said " You don't need to cry my baby." Jungkook gave him his phone back. He was about to leave when Taehyung asked him if he wanted to sleep here tonight. Jungkook's face lit up and he jumped on Taehyung.

I love you kookie

I...I love you too Tae

The call to the wild❤️‍🔥🔞 Taekookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن