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Waking up was something Beomgyu never thought he'd experience again, especially when he was in a plane with water now about to block his air away. About to sit up he realized he was locked in with his seat belts, that he quickly unbundled and stood. Looking around, there were people everywhere, that scared Beomgyu, getting off his seat, his jeans became soaked with water as the water was now waist high, he needed to quickly get out of the plane before he sank with it. Making his way to the front, he caught a glimpse of the window, which showed that the plane was fully submerged in the water. Seeing the door of the plane, he struggled with it for a minute, before it flew open,letting loads more water fill into the wreck, shoving Beomgyu to the wall of the plane.

Once the plane filled, he swam out, trying his best to not let go of the breath in his mouth. When he neared the top, his breath gave out, and he inhaled an absurd amount of water. But he pushed himself up to the surface despite. Breathing in the air of the world, his lungs began to burn due to the water in them.

'Keep breathing Beomgyu... ignore the pain... you aren't dying today.' Even though he kept tell himself to breathe, the pain became to unbearable and he passed out, making his lung fill with even more water.


"What do we do with it?!" A red haired boy with gray eyes panicked, looking at Beomgyu in disgust. "It looks like it's dead."

"Taehyun, just shut up will you?! You're always complaining about wanting to meet one and now that one's here you act like a brat." A pink haired male with red eyes snapped, making the red haired boy flinch back.

"I think it's cute!" A platinum blonde boy muttered, poking the brunettes cheeks. His blue eyes studying his every upper body.

Shaking his head, a blue haired male with emerald eyes gazed at the almost dead boy, "He's very short. Almost Taehyun's size."

"Hey! This thing is shorter! Don't even compare me to this small thing." Argued the so called 'Taehyun'. "I think it's dead."

"It's not dead. You can hear the heartbeat of it."

Suddenly coughing, the brunette boy choked on the water stuck on his throat and sat up, spitting out a deadly amount of water onto the sand next to him.

"Told you it was okay." The blue haired man bragged, pushing the redhead.

Beomgyu opened his eyes, looking at the four men surrounding him, each showing their own emotion. Immediately, the brunette backed away from them, his eyes widened, before looking around to see he was on a beach with new clothes on.

"Does it talk? Or can it not understand us?" The platinum blonde asked a pink haired boy.

"What's with calling me an it?" The frightened boy asked, breathing heavily. "And how the hell did you guys survive the crash and manage to not get the slightest bit hurt?"

"Oh no silly! We weren't on the plane crash! We've been here for much longer."

Eyes widened, Beomgyu criss-crossed his legs, quite surprised, "How'd you survive? How long how you been here?"

"Can someone shut it up? It talks too much!" The redhead pouted, crossing his arms, while scrunched his face up.

"Quit calling me an it dude! I'm a guy just like you guys."

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