Prologue (wip)

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Alone in the empty expanse of nothingness, existed a being. This being existed long before space expanded and time flowed. There was no shining light or looming darkness, as it too, was nonexistent. He is the origin point of all things. His name is Xero. From the nothingness, Xero created light and darkness, balancing them out to achieve harmony. From the light and darkness, he formed the elements and sub-elements, the concept of good and evil, conscious thought, and emotions. Light received good and darkness received evil, however, a piece of the other was placed in them to balance it out.

When that was finished, he brought forth space and time to tie everything together. Once that was complete, Xero created lesser beings to fill reality with various worlds and blessed them with an element that they can control. He called them "gods," and out of reverence and respect, they all called him the Original One, as he is the origin point of everything. When the various gods created their worlds, Xero brought forth life and death.

When everything was done, he rested and began watching over everything he created, keeping order and balance within reality.


Eons passed and worlds and their creators have come and gone, and Xero continued to watch and maintain balance. Everything was perfect, that was... until the Great Calamity.
An evil entity decided to try and destroy everything Xero created. A vicious battle ensued. Xero was victorious, but at a cost. The evil entity had gotten one final attack in, and shortly after the evil entity was sealed, Xero split into two halves, causing a mighty cosmic explosion. The one of light and space was called Yang, and the other of darkness and time was called Yin.

The two kept the balance of reality and all was at peace again. However, that peace didn't last for long.

War of the Gods: generation oneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz