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"You not going to say hello to us then?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" I said as I started to cry seeing my two best friends there

"Jesus Christ Nicky don't cry it's only us" Colby joked as Kensie got up and engulfed me in a huge hug.

"Seriously though why are you here?" I asked laughing slightly

"You know 5sos is my absolute fave" Colby said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes

"That's my brothers band you're talking about be careful what you say" I joked back feeling so comfortable with my friends around

"Speaking of your brother he's the reason we're here" Kensie said as I smiled "I gave Ashton my number when you were in the hospital and he text me yesterday asking if we were free to come to a couple of the tour dates as he was worried you'd struggle and would need to hang out with some people who aren't the boys" she explained as laid down on the sofa next to the door

"So no one trusts me" I said as the door opened and the boys began to walk in

"Who doesn't trust you?" Luke asked as they all said hello to Kensie and Colby

"All six of you clearly" I snapped slightly "as much as I appreciate you bringing my friends out to see me it's a bit of a kick in the teeth that you can't even trust me to be alone for 5 minutes"

"Nicky that's not what this is about" Ashton replied as I stood up

"Save it I really don't care" I snapped at him just wanting him to get off my back for 5 minutes.

The room suddenly became extremely silent and and awkward. I felt as though all eyes were on me and that I'd seriously annoyed all six of them. My chest began to feel tighter than ever and my breathing became irregular.

"Nicky?" A panicked Michael said as I shook my head and began to cry

"I can't do this" I replied before running out the dressing room and down the corridor ignoring the obvious calls of my name from my friends. As I ran I realised someone was hot on my heels and they weren't giving up on trying to catch up to me. As I ran I caught a glimpse of a bathroom sign and quickly made my way into the woman's toilets hoping I'd finally be left alone to calm down. As soon as I entered the tiled room I placed myself into a cubicle and sat on the toilet as I listened to the conversations between my friends who were obviously outside.

"Kensie should go in she's a girl" a voice that was obviously Luke's stated

"She's not going to listen to me she never does" she replied making my heart sink even lower

"She's not going to listen to any of us" Calum replied as I shook my head. They clearly think I can't hear them "Ashton you go in there she's your sister"

"I'm not going into the woman's bathroom I'm not a creep" he snapped back causing more tears to fall down my face "Michael was the one who chased after her so he should go in"

"I chased her because I wanted to make sure she didn't run out the venue" he replied with anger in his voice before it went completely silent between the group "ugh you guys are un believable" he snapped before I heard a collection of footprints all sounding as though they were heading away from the bathroom making me sigh with relief before there was a knock at my cubical door

"Little Irwin" it was Michael. It's always Michael. "Come on Nicky open the door and talk to me please"

"I don't want to talk Michael" I snapped

"Okay well I'll wait" he said before sliding down the door and sitting on the bathroom floor, sliding his hand under and giving me a short wave making me smile slightly

"You have a show to play you need to do soundcheck soon" i said trying my best to persuade him to leave me alone

"We've been late on stage multiple times. Being late again won't harm anyone little Irwin" he replied as I rolled my eyes

"Can you stop with the Little Irwin. I have a name"

"I'll stop if you open the door" he replied quickly as I stood up and undid the lock before sitting back down on the toilet letting the door slowly open revealing him sat on the floor "if I knew it was that easy I would have said it at the start" he laughed as I shook my head

"I'm not as fragile as you all seem to think I am Michael" I stated as sighed and looked at me heartbroken

"Look you've had a rough day why don't you just go get some rest, your friends are here for two days you may as well make the most of their company." He said as I shrugged my shoulders not really wanting to do anything "go onto the tour bus with them order some food and just be Nicky. Please have some you time okay" he said standing up before holding his arm out for my hand "together?"

"Together" I replied taking his hand and using it to pull myself up getting a slight déjà vu from earlier in the day.

"You finished that song for me yet?" He asked as we began walking down the corridor

"Song?" I questioned as he nodded

"The one we started writing that night have you finished it yet?"

"I didn't think you were actually going to use it so I haven't continued with it yet" I replied feeling awkward that I'd clearly miss read the song situation

"What we had was good. Don't waste it" he replied as we walked back into the dressing room and I locked eyes with my friends

"Kensie...Colby...come on you're coming with me to see the tour bus"

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