Drink if you have...

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Trying to keep your friends from misbehaving while doing homework was practically impossible. Billy and Steve were fighting over who was the best basketball player, while Eddie laughed at them. Nancy was going homework. As for you, you were just sitting in the corner, reading a book that you had forgotten to return to the library.

"Everyone shut up!" Robin screamed, attracting the attention of all of you.

"Put down the book. Put down the homework. Stop arguing. We're going to have some fun. Let's play a simple game of 'drink if you have'." Robin smiled, leaning back.

"I'll get the alcohol." Billy smirked as he walked to the closest fridge, pulling out at least 3-4 bottles of beer.

"Okay. The game is simple. One at a time, we'll go around the group, giving each other a topic question. If you had done the thing, you drink. If not, you stay sober. The person who is the most sober by the end of the bottles wins." Robin smiled, starting to pour the beer into red plastic cups. You passed them around the room, Eddie unable to stop himself from taking a sip.

"Let's start with easy topics. Drink if you have ever cheated in a test." Billy asked, nearly everyone taking a somewhat decent sip of their beers, everyone except Nancy.

"I'm smart enough not to cheat." She smiled, her drink still full.

"I'm next. Drink if you have ever snuck out of your house." Eddie went next, taking a sip.

Billy took a sip and so did Steve. You took a sip, having snuck out once, but Robin and Nancy didn't.

"I've never had a reason to sneak out." Robin admitted.

"I've had people sneak into my house, but I've never snuck out." Nancy smiled at Steve, who smiled back.

"My turn." Steve smirked, trying to think of a good topic.

"Drink if you have either kissed, made-out with or slept with Y/N." Steve asked, taking a sip.

"Damn Steve." Nancy sighed as she watched most of the group drink.

"Billy? Eddie? Robin? Really? You three have? I'd expect Steve...but not you three." Nancy was shocked.

"I want details." Steve smiled.

"Robin's kiss was sweet. She was at band practice and she told me that she had never kissed anyone. To make kissing people less stressful, I kissed her." You explained, Robin blushing.

"Still the best and only kiss I've ever had." Robin smirked.

"Billy's was a drunken adventure. We were at the party that happened just after Billy moved to Hawkins. He was just as drunk as me and we ended up on top of a bed. We made out, but unfortunately for Billy, he didn't get the chance to pop my cherry." You winked at Billy, who rolled his eyes.

"Steve, he was definitely not a mistake. We may or may not have ended up in a game of truth or dare. He was dared to kiss me. Simple." You explained, getting ready for Steve's response. After he didn't say anything, you moved onto Eddie.

"Eddie is the one who popped my cherry." You smiled at Eddie, who smirked.

"We were just friends with benefits. Nothing about our relationship was romantic. We loved pleasuring each other, but apart from that, we were plutonic friends." You smiled, trying not to reveal that you and Eddie were still in the friends with benefits stage, but you had also been hiding that you felt some feelings for him.

Excusing yourself from the group, you walked to the closest bathroom. As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you could feel the alcohol affecting your system as you listened to the group continue the game.

"Drink if you have lost your virginity." Robin spoke. This was a question you had never really been interested in finding out from other people, but you did wonder who had taken a sip of their drink.

Walking back out to the group, you just sat on the couch, informing the group that you would just be watching.

"I can't be bothered drinking for a game anymore. I'll still drink, just on my own time." You smiled.

"Aww, Y/N...please join us again. You playing makes the game better." Steve begged.

"Sorry Steve." You pouted before laughing, watching as Nancy patiently waited to say her next drinking topic.

"Better let Nancy have her turn." You smirked as Nancy smiled.

"Sure. Nancy, your turn." Steve smiled, focusing on Nancy as everyone prepared to drink.

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