5. It's all about you.

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You're so rock and roll, roll
She's humming, wow

Chaeyoung was playing music as she walks down the halls for lunch, she smiles at people who waved at her.

She walks into the cafeteria sees Jisoo and walks over to her, she walks over before getting dragged away.

"Hey, Chaeyoung!" She saw Nayeon, the tennis captain. "You could eat with us!" She motions to where Jennie and Lisa sat.

Chaeyoung sits with them at the table, she didn't recognize much since they were Jennie's teammates. Lisa was sitting next to her as she quietly ate her food, Jennie spoke about how practice was tiring and thought about dropping out.

"Hey Girls~" they look over seeing some of the jocks, "want to see something?" One of them held up a slushy.

"What are you doing with that?" Jennie asks confused as everyone saw one laugh.

"It's for the nerd."

"What?" Jennie and Chaeyoung both said shocked before they saw them walk over.

"WAIT!" Jennie stood up before everyone in the cafeteria looked at them.

Jisoo closed her eyes before the wet, cold, and blue-dyed slush pours on her.

Chaeyoung stood up from her seat and rushed to push them away from her.

"Chill Chaeyoung!" They smiles before she punched them in the face.

"Leave her alone!" Chaeyoung shouts before looking back at Jisoo, "come on." She helps the girl up and rushed her out.

"Did you have to do that?!" Jennie yelled at them angrily.

"Jennie, Calm down." Lisa held her arm.

Uh making me say wow, ha
Around you, I go around, round

"I'm sorry, they're idiots." Chaeyoung frowns as she tried to wipe the blue dye off the girl's uniform.

"They're failing their classes anyways," Jisoo says sitting on the counter as Chaeyoung was in front of her.

Chaeyoung smiles before throwing away the blue tissue.

"Well, I tried to get rid of the stain." She sighs as Jisoo's white shirt was stained a light blue.

"I've had worse," Jisoo says looking down at herself, her hair was still sticky from the sugary drink.

"I have an extra uniform! I have to get it!"

"No, it's fine-"

"No, I insist! You can't look like a smurf threw up on you." Chaeyoung jokes as Jisoo smiles, "I'll be back!" She says before leaving the bathroom.

Jisoo sat there as the door closed and frowns to herself.

Forgetting where I had to be
My feet are following you, ho

Chaeyoung was running down the hallway in a rush to her locker, she grabbed the key and inserts it before unlocking the locker. She reached on the top shelf before pulling out the outfit, she shuts it before running a marathon back to the bathroom.

"I-I'm Here!" She smiles before seeing Jennie and Lisa there too.

"You can change into these!" Chaeyoung held out the clothes for her to take.

Jisoo accepts them as Jennie was drying her hair with a blow-dryer, and Lisa was sitting on the floor as she continues to eat her lunch.

"Why did they do that?" Chaeyoung asks as Jennie sighs.

"I don't know, they're stupid." Jennie's eye twitches before focusing on drying her-

"How did you find us?" Chaeyoung asks sitting next to Lisa.

"We followed the blue trail," Lisa answered as the blow-dryer turned off.

"Oh," Chaeyoung says as Jisoo slides off the counter and entered one of the stalls.

"We'll be going now," Jennie says as she unplugged the blow-dryer, she ties the cord and motions to Lisa.

"See ya!" Lisa stands up before leaving with Jennie.

It's all about you, you, you, you,
You, you, you, you,
You, you, you, you.

Chaeyoung hears the door open before Jisoo steps out, she died at the sight as Jisoo looks down at the big clothes.

"Is this okay?" Jisoo asks as Chaeyoung nods.

"Here!" She handed Jisoo her now-cleaned glasses.

"Thanks." Jisoo grabbed them before putting them on.

The bell rang as both girls looked at the bell, Chaeyoung looks back at Jisoo, who pushed her glasses up higher.

"See you later." Chaeyoung smiled at her before leaving the bathroom, "Keep the clothes! I don't need them!"

She leaves Jisoo standing there alone like a lost puppy.

It's all about you, you, you, you,
you, you, you, you
You, you, you, you

Jisoo looks down at herself sees the untucked shirt and tucks it into the skirt. She grabs her stuff before leaving the bathroom.

Your casual style makes you look even more special

She could smell the rose scent of Chaeyoung's perfume in her clothes.

A light bearable scent.

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