"He's going back."

"We have to go after him!" Kirishima exclaimed, already heading out the door.

"How do we convince him to stay?" asked Shinsou, feeling bad for all the times he had misjudged Shoto.

"I have no idea. I'll think of something." 

"Damn he runs fast!" Denki said out of breath, the four of them sprinting after Shoto who was heading back through the hills and towards the barrier.

They stopped in the tree line as Shoto approached the barrier, pulling a book from his bag. They shared scared looks, knowing what that book was and what it could do. How did he get it? What was he going to do with it?

"Now no longer safe and sound, let this stronghold now come down." Shoto spoke before pressing a hand to the barrier, and they watched as the golden haze cracked, letting Shoto slip through as he sprinted across the bridge towards the Isle. 

With little hesitation they went after him, waiting until Shoto was far enough away that he wouldn't hear them. The closer they came to the Isle the colder they felt, the constant dark clouds hiding the moonlight. They came to a clearing with dirt gravel and trash everywhere, buildings crumbling and broken glass.

"Where did he go?"

"Where do we go?"


Shut up!" Bakugou yelled at Denki before something cold and sharp pressed against his throat, a millimetre away from drawing blood. 

"Why are you here?" a voice asked, quiet in the dead silence.


"Answer me." Shoto pressed the blade closer, the boys casting a worried look to the prince.

"To find you."


"To ask you to come back."

A scoff reached his ears and Shoto pulled the dagger away, pushing Bakugou away.

"Leave. Now." he demanded.

"No. We wanted to apologise. I know they way we acted was-"

"Shut up Kirishima, before-" Shoto paused looking into the shadows before his shoulders tensed; in a flash he grabbed the four boys and pulled them with him into an alleyway, barely big enough for them all. He held a finger to his lips.

"Did you hear something?" a female voice asked, high-pitched and squeaky.

"Nah, it's probably the rats. Stinky rats!"

"It smells... sweet." Psychotic laughter rang out and Shoto's shoulders tensed, pushing them further into the shadows.

"We should get back to Shiggy before he puts us on cleaning duty again. Dusty boss man should do his own cleaning!"

"You're right Twice. Urgh, I really want some fresh blood!"

The two voices faded away, and Shoto stepped back, leaning against the wall behind him as he regulated his breathing.

"You need to leave." he told them again.

"Who were they? Shinsou asked.

"... Bad people."

"I knew there were people here!" the girl returned and Shoto didn't waste a second in pulling them down the alley and through various tunnels. He didn't wait for them to keep up.

They climbed broken ladders, crossed creaky bridges, ran atop rooftops, and winded through street after street. Yet the whole time the two people didn't stop chasing them. When Shoto suddenly stopped and pulled a piece of rope that released a ladder, they almost crashed into each other; the boy pushed them up the stairs, Kirishima then Denki then Shinsou then-

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