Day one

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         You always go to your moms best friends house over the summer and you had a major crush on one of her sons. He only looked at you like a little sister but you always wanted Conrad to see you as more than a little sister and this summer everything was completely different then the last summer.

As soon as you got out of the car jere and his mom Libby ran outside to greet you and you were wondering where Conrad was at.
"Hey Libby,where's Conrad at I want to say hey."
"He should be in the back."
okay thank you."
You headed to the back of the beach house where they lived and saw Conrad coming towards you from the pool. 

As soon as Conrad looked up and saw you he began to smile a little bit and came closer to you.
"Love, you have no clue how much I missed you."
"Hey Conrad,Willa come inside the moms want to take a family picture of all of us."
You and Conrad make your way up to the front of the house and go inside to see the moms and jere and your brother billy.
"Hurry guys we gotta take this picture cmon."
"Mom,calm down we are coming."
You get beside your brother and Conrad gets beside you.
"Okay on the count of 3 say cheese 1,2,3."
When the flash goes off you feel something on the small of your back. It's Conrad's hand. Your cheeks start turning red and you feel butterflies in your stomach.
"Do I make you nervous love?"
"Oh rlly, we will see about that."

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