It was hard not to flinch to the unbearable sound, even with his hood up, so Jungkook just sucked it up with a cringe as he looks around his surroundings to find the bar.

This is the first time he's ever been to a club before, and the first thing he could really notice was the dance floor filled with people. They're jumping around and dancing to the music, some even slipping their drinks by how intoxicated they are. He could catch a few people making out, others just talking and sitting around tables while eating food casually.

How can they even talk over the music like this?

Jungkook grimaces and just goes to the bar after finding it. Not long before the bartender approaches him, but Jungkook just shakes his head.

"Actually..... Can I smoke here?"

The woman blinks at him, as if he just asked the dumbest question she has heard all night, probably so, before she shakes her head, "No. Only in the VIP section."

Shit, he could literally barely hear her.

For fuck sakes-

"How can I get into the VIP section?"

All she did was rub her fingers together and Jungkook got the hint.

Money, right.

With a heavy huff, Jungkook only nods back, "Alright thanks, I'll let you know if I need anything."

The woman nods and moves to attend another customer along the row.

Jungkook stayed there for a good five minutes, responding back to the group chat message with him, Yoongi and Seokjin about their activities for today. Yoongi obviously is at the concert, and Seokjin went home for the weekend.

If Jungkook would've stayed home, no doubt he would likely be playing video games and avoid social gatherings in general - so unlike how his current setting is now.

Like how he has said before, he's always alone.

Even if he does have friends - Who asked about his plans tonight, and Jungkook just said he got out of work - he's still always alone.

Not like it's their business to what he does on his free time.

The second he sent that message; he also got another message notification.

I'm by the bar. Since I don't know how you look like, but you know how I do, come find me. - Tae

Jungkook looks around, instantly rolling his eyes because there's so many fucking people everywhere blocking his vision. So, he cranes his head down the counter of the bar instead and finally sees the recognizable face of the man from the computer screen.

Well, the side of his face that is.

Without even sparing a moment to take a good look at him, Jungkook moves down the bar after he got off his seat - shoving and sliding by drunken people along the way - before he finally reaches the man.

And he timidly taps his shoulder.

It earned him a head tilt back him and Jungkook instinctively flinched- since his eyes appeared so near a demon's glare than a friendly glance. Very unlike the man from the picture with this cute aura around him - this man is clearly not entertained. No doubt he gets called on by people often, so he has probably built a defensive mechanism towards anyone who approaches him.

Even when he made eye contact with Jungkook for the first time, he still didn't look amused or even say anything.

Oh right, he doesn't know how Jungkook looks like.

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