3: Meet Me

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Blue Moon Diner.

A popular place really. Jungkook has heard random talks about it around campus and even in some of his classes by a couple hockey players.

Yet, what he came across to was something he did not expect entirely.

At all.

Nothing to what Jungkook had in mind to what the place actually was like. He thought it was just a simple diner to eat, chat a bit - some old school type shit.

Not a damn night club with a tail line of people anxiously waiting to step inside.

And Jungkook looks anything but dressed for a club.

Well..... It's never too late to turn around -

What did he just get himself into...

No..... It's fine.

He can do this.

Just gotta go in and that's it.

Besides, he already told Tae he was coming.

Must stick to his end after all.

Jungkook gulps thickly and glances down to his outfit, which only consists of baggy jeans tucked in his combat boots and a loose oversized black hoodie.

Is this okay enough?

Shit it's too casual. Some people here are dressed too fancy or very revealing for this occasion, while he looks like he just woke up from bed and threw whatever on without too much care.

Ah fuck it.

Since when does he give a shit in the first place about these things?

Just go in and get this over with.

Nodding to himself, Jungkook takes out his phone and sends a text to Tae that he's outside but there's a line to get in.

Almost instantly he got a text back.

Go to the bouncer and say For Tae, Eleven o'clock. I told them beforehand that you were coming. - Tae

Once you get through, go to the bar and wait for me. I'm finishing up with a client. - Tae

Subconsciously Jungkook nods to this, as though the guy was telling him this verbally, before going up to the bouncer. Already he could feel his anxiety crawling up his throat and the warmth spreading his cheeks. Heart now slamming in his chest and hands twitching in the pocket of his hoodie, Jungkook recognizes this too well.

The social anxiety.

Should've taken a cigarette before coming here.

Well, too late now since he's already in front of the fucking body builder looking man, so guess the cigarette break will have to wait.

The bouncer eyed him when he approached him, but Jungkook in panic just blurts out, "Here for Tae. Eleven o'clock."

Well, at least he didn't say anything stupid.

Slightly accusingly, the bouncer eyed him, "I.D."

With hands fucking trembling, Jungkook fumbles with grabbing his I.D before showing it to the guy. One glance to the name and his date of birth and he nods, handing it back to him and moving aside.


Jungkook didn't even waste time in fumbling inside, ignoring the chorus of protest from the people waiting in line, and immediately going near deaf by the pounding club music he was suddenly greeted to.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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