Chapter 4: Teaching A Silva

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It's been a day and Asta is traveling as usual. Him and Liz made an agreement that she would tell him when they had missions so that he could take care of most of the stuff. He was looking for a place to camp for the night when he heard splashing. He got closer and had seen a girl practicing her magic, but kept on missing what seems to be a target.

???: Ugh! Why can't I get this?

Asta: Get what?

???: GAH!

He had basically teleported behind the girl. The mage looked shocked but quickly changed her expression to a more "royal" one.

???: Who are you and what are you doing here?!

Asta: Are you practicing your magic?

???: Yes! What is it to you?!

Asta: Chill, I'm just curious, I can help you if you want.

???: You still haven't answered my first question!

Asta: Fine, I'm apart of Clover's Ace. You can call me Ace I guess.

She looked confused as she heard that there were normally two Aces. She then relaxed and put her guard down.

Noelle: Fine, I'm Noelle Silva. Also isn't there supposed to be two of you or something?

Asta: Yeah there is, but the other is sorta on vacation. Anyways you said that you're a Silva right? So why are in the Black Bulls?

Noelle: I can't control my magic, all my life I've been tormented by my siblings. They made it even worse so I'm stuck as a disappointment.

Her expression saddens as Asta chops her head and then pats it.

Noelle: Ow! What was that for?!

Asta: First, you can't let what they say get to you. Secondly, even if you do get control they're still going to make fun of you. Trust me, you have more mana than them. That means if you get control they'll try to bring you down again. I'll help you get control and prove them wrong.

Noelle: And how will you do that? You have no magic.

Asta: I have what I like to call anti-magic, the counter of all magic. What will happen is that each time you miss a target I'll slice it that way there's no damage. Trust me, my partner didn't have control at fist either.

Noelle: Fine.

Asta: Ok, firstly relax when firing your magic; You're focusing too much.


Noelle is seen breathing heavily and Asta is in front of the tree.

Noelle: I'm never going to get this!

Asta: It's not going to happen in one day.

Noelle: I'm royalty, so why can't I do this!

She falls to her knees and starts crying

Noelle: My siblings were right, I am a disappointment.

He goes over and hugs her which surprises her as she just cries into him. After a few minutes she stopped and looked embarrassed.

Noelle: I'm sorry you had to see me like this.

Asta: It's fine, my partner did the same when we first met.

Noelle: Really?

Asta: Yeah, she was the daughter of the mayor of her village. She was friends with basically everyone, but her village was burned down to the ground along with everyone in it. Raiders had did for money, she was able escape. We met each other the same day we were officially alone.

He then looks flustered as he had just told part of his secret to someone he just met. He chuckles and rubs his head as he looks back.

Asta: Sorry, I was ranting.

Noelle: I-It's fine.

Asta: You ok?

Noelle: Yeah, just a little shocked of what happened to your partner. How about you tell me what happened to you since I told you.

Asta: Fine, on the same day I was left at a church along with another boy. Over the years we became rivals to become the Wizard King. But he had "perfect magic" so the village treated him as a king, while I had no magic so I was treated like shit. After a while I caved and one night I ran, never wanting to see that place again. Over time I unlocked my anti-magic, with my partner we became Clover's Ace and have been helping people ever since.

Noelle: W-wow you're been though a lot.

Asta: Eh, it's nothing compared to my partner. She had friends to lose, I didn't. Well enough of that time for more training.

Noelle: Right!

Asta: 'She looks more determined now, good.


It has been a week that Asta has been training with Noelle. She's made some progress being able now hit the tree pretty easily. Liz had finally written and she said that they had a dungeon mission the next day,

Asta: Alright Noelle, you're doing good.

Noelle: Thanks.

Asta: I think this is going to be our last day of training for now, since you're getting the hang of it I can return to being a vigilante for now.

Noelle: Oh yeah, I forgot you're in Clover's Ace. Im starting to get missions so I guess it's good if you go back to Clover's Ace.

Asta: Then this is goodbye.

Noelle: Yeah, I guess it is.

Yay. New chapter I'm probably going to release two or more chapters each update so yeah.

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