Chapter 2: Saving An Old Friend In the Shadows

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???: Oy, Liz hurry the ceremony is about to start!

Liz: You're one to talk Asta.

The two have lived together in the woods for 5 years. Asta has grown quite a bit, now being 5'6 and Liz being 5'4. The two have become vigilantes, they call themselves the 'Clover's Ace'. They have hooded robes with a four leaf on the back that they wear to hide their identities. They've met a another vigilante, his name was Zora, they saved a couple of people together. Liz has grown to have powerful ice magic, while Asta gained his 'magic' which he calls anti-magic. Liz began to feel something around Asta but couldn't put her finger on it. Her face would be hot and she would stutter a lot. She put it off as being sick.

Asta: Just shut up and hurry.

Liz: Fine.

The two start walking from their campsite and pass through a village that they saved not to long ago. They've put up signs thanking the 'Clover's Ace', they even put out sacks of yup out for them. Most of the time they don't take it, but when they have to they do.

Now with Yuno, he has grown to hate the church. He can't forgive them for what they did, but he hides it. Ever since that day he's shown little to no emotion. He trained his magic to wear he has easy control over it. He spends most of his time training, so he never had to see the church most of the time. Sister and father have almost fully forgotten about Asta. The only time they talk about him is when they boast about Yuno. The whole church is seen outside sending him of to the ceremony.

Orsi: Oh Yuno, you truly are the pride of the Village!

Lily: It's true, unlike that curse that left all those years ago.

Orsi: Yes, that boy should've left sooner.

Yuno is disgusted by what they said, but hides it with a fake smile. He only wants to become a magic knight to find his brother. So as long as he plays along then he'll be fine. He waves goodbye as he walks off.


Everyone is seen in the tower talking, the two vigilantes are seen in the shadows avoiding everyone. Turns out they have become quite famous throughout the nobles and royals. The Clover's Ace has become a force to be reckoned with. They've taken down multiple corrupt magic knights easily. Even though no one has seen their face or hair, they've identified what they wear. A man walks out the door in front of them and introduces himself.

Drought: Hello everyone and welcome to the grimoire ceremony! Today is the day where you get your grimoire to cast spells! Now is time for the choosing!

As soon as he said that grimoires fly down from the tower and go to their owners. There's skinny one, wide ones, large, and small. Liz gets her's and it's a four leaf! She doesn't say anything because she doesn't want to make a scene. After a while a green flash appears, it's another four leaf! After the owner grabs it a rumbling starts in the tower. A red flash zooms from the top and lands infront of Asta. The area is immediately filled with a demonic presence. Most people whimper in fear but Liz just stares. Asta just chuckles at grabs it. He signals to Liz to leave and they walk away, not wanting to waste any time. Everyone is left in shock of what just happened.

Back with the two, they are walking out and Liz just stares at her grimoire. It's a light blue with a white four leaf in the middle. Asta's is red with black accents and a black five leaf in the middle. They both were silent until they over heard something.

???: That four leaf would sell for a pretty penny.

They both stop and hide behind a tree to listen more.

???: Can't get that blue one, there's two people. But that other kid is alone. Yeah I'll go for him, the pride of that village will become a disappointment after his four leaf is stolen.

Asta's eyes widened as he knew who he was talking about. Without a second thought he ran to the man, he had coated his fist in anti-magic, and punched in square in the jaw. Liz is shocked by his actions and runs out as well. He is sent into the wall and quickly gets back. He then gets his grimoire open.

???: Chain Magic: Mana Steal!

He sent out multiple chains and Asta slashed through some of them but the others got Liz.

Asta: Liz! Just who are and why are you stealing people's grimoires?!

Revichi: I'm Revichi a senior magic knight! You should be grateful that I'm taking your grimoire!

Asta: Hell no! *pulls out dweller* Black Slash!

Revichi: 'What?! This kid has no mana but he can do this?!' Chain Magic: Dance of the Sleeping Serpent!

The magic knight sends out chains at the boy, but when they come in contact with the black slash they dissolve. Revichi doesn't have time to think as he is hit with the slash and sent into a wall behind him. The chains around Liz slowly disappeared, she ran and hugged Asta.

Asta: You ok Liz?

Liz: Yeah, but are you ok?

Asta: Of course I am, that guy was weak. 'How did I know to do that?' Let's head home.

Liz: Yeah ok.

Somewhere else

???: Heh, our kid's a natural. To bad you ain't here Lichta.

The being sheds a tear and he looks in sadness and proudness.

???: Do me proud Asta.

Yuno had just gotten back from the ceremony and the church had prepared a feast for him. He wanted to reject it but he has to accept it. After they all ate everyone was asleep while Yuno was looking out the window.

Yuno: I'll find you one day Asta.

Yay chapter two, these first few chapter are gonna be short only because I can't think of much.

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