Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Eleanor POV:

     I was walking to my boyfriend's house during one of my parent's huge fights to hang out with him. I turned up to my boyfriend when it started pouring.  My boyfriend's name was James Johnson. He was my age 16. His parents were the most famous dancers in France. Our parents wanted us to marry so that our businesses could merge and our wedding was after high school.   Even though I wanted to go to university I realized that being this famous I wouldn't be able to go to one as a normal person would because of my fame. So I decided that after we graduated I would marry James. 

     That was until I walked into his room and saw him and my best friend, Lora Rose, and James, making out and she was wearing that bracelet I gave him. "J-James..?" I said with tear-filling eyes. He stopped making out with Lora and jumped off of his bed. "E-Eleanor! It's not what it looks like I swear!" James said sweating and trying to convince me that what I just saw wasn't true. I then slapped him so hard that he fell on his butt. Then Lora came funning and tried to fight me when I dodged her slap and I shoved her onto the ground. "You know what? You two are made for each other." I said with a cold calm tone and cold eyes filled with tears that sent shivers down their spines. I left James' room and then ran and told his parents that the wedding was off because of his cheating butt. What James and Lora had failed to realize was that I snapped a photo of the two of them and showed it to James' parents before leaving. 

     I ran outside in the rain. I didn't care I was heartbroken. How could my childhood friend, boyfriend, and soon-to-be fiancé then husband cheat on me like that and with my best friend? I soon had to slow down because I was running out of breath.  It was nighttime which I had just realized. I turned my walk to a run and dried up my tears. As I was walking however I heard some footsteps behind me which caused me to pull my pepper spray out along with my pocket knife so I could at least cut their arm or something if the pepper spray didn't work.  " What do you want!" I shouted out to the person following me.

     The person following me was wearing a black hoodie, brown pants, and a black mask. When they go to me all they did was through a poster at me. "What the fudge?" I thought as I put my pepper spray and pocket knife away. I picked up the poster and was shocked when I saw it was my poster about my upcoming concert the next week. It had death threats written all over it. When I got home I didn't show my parents because it would just cause them to fight more. So I kept it to myself.  I couldn't see how anyone could see my life as perfect, It's filled with chaos and stress.

     After another four days of the death threats, I finally had to tell my parents. To my surprise, they didn't argue about it. they both agreed that hiring a bodyguard would be for the best. I didn't want some only guy following me around though. They weren't taking no for an answer though so I had to accept fate and succumb to my new boring old bodyguard. After I got my school uniform on and walked out to the limousine I saw my bodyguard. He only looked to be a couple of years older than me. 

     "Hello, what's your name?" I asked seeing as if I'm going to have him as my bodyguard I might as well know his name. "My name is Nathaniel Adams." He just stood there he didn't even smile which was weird. "You look a little too young for the bodyguard job. How can I trust you with my life?" I asked him when all of a sudden a soccer ball came straight from James' house.  Nathaniel caught it with one hand placing the other behind my back looking around. "I take my job very seriously and I'm really good at it. You can check my resume." Nathaniel said putting one hand behind his back and throwing the soccer ball back to James's yard. As I was getting into the limo I accidentally bumped into Nathaniel's chest and it felt as hard as a boulder.  

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