Remember When Jade Broke a Nail?

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It's been almost a year since I saw Shaka. I didn't want to do it. My mom thinks Shaka is the root of all my problems. Well, my new problems....

She's been homeschooling me. When she leaves though, I sneak over to see Mazzi. I can't go see Shaka. I ran out on him. I can't face him. Plus, I don't want to see him cause then I can't lie to my mom if she asks. It doesn't seem like he really tried to put any effort in to see me or anything. Yeah, we're totally not neighbors. Oh wait, WE ARE. Mazzi's been so supportive though. He hasn't told Shaka either, even though I kinda want him to. I told him to meet me at that park today. I needed to hang outside for once. I walked to the park and saw him with his AirPods in. He stopped his music.
Mazzi: "Hey Y/n."
He said hugging me. Mazzi gives the best hugs, even better than Shaka.
Y/n: "Hey Mazzi. Thanks for meeting outside today."
Mazzi: "Oh it's nothing. I get to practice my throws."
He said throwing the ball at the wall and catching it.
Mazzi: "Soooooo..."
Y/n: "So what?"
I said sitting with my back on the wall. He threw the ball again. I leaned to the side since he almost hit me.
Mazzi: "When are you gonna go see Shaka again?"
He threw the ball again, but this time he didn't catch it. After all this time he's never asked me that, what's different now? Nice way to spring that on me Mazzi.
Y/n: "Mazzi I-"
??: "What's up Mazzi?"
A boy says taking Mazzi's ball.
Mazzi: "Hey!"
??: "Hay is for horses."
He laughs and turns to his followers who do a stupid laugh with him.
Mazzi: "Stick to bullying. Comedy is not yo thing."
Mazzi says shaking his head. I laugh at him. The kid throws the ball to one of the kids behind him. That kid throws the ball at me.
Y/n: "Uh! Watch it!"
The kid points at me and scoffs like it was funny.
??: "You know, I've been wanting some AirPods."
He says taking them from Mazzi's ears.
Mazzi: "Yeah, they're awesome. My parents bought them for me."
??: "Hey, they got good taste! Tell them to get you a Nintendo Switch for the next time I see you."
The bully pats Mazzi's shoulder and starts walking away. I stand by Mazzi's side.
Y/n: "Hey, give them back!"
He walks up in my face.
??: "Okay. Make me."
All of a sudden something flips in front of us. Or should I say... someone.
Shaka: "I'll make you."
??: "Mind your business, homie."
Shaka: "My little brother is my business, homie. Give him his AirPods back!"
He looked at the AirPods.
??: "They're covered in earwax anyways."
He says throwing them on the ground.
Shaka: "Now, get outta here!"
Shaka said pointing to the park exit. Mazzi picks up his mitt.
Mazzi: "Yeah! Get outta here!"
Shaka: "You guys okay?"
Mazzi: "Yeah. Good looking out. And if you ever need me to have your back, I'll call dad."
Shaka rolled his eyes.
Shaka: "Y/n. I think you should go home."
He said looking me up in down and smirking. I roll my eyes. Of course the first thing he does is check me out.
Mazzi: "But don't y'all wanna-"
Y/n: "Mazzi, it's fine."
I said staring at Shaka. He definitely had a glow up. To be honest, we both did. We hit that age.
Y/n: "Besides, I'm not supposed to be here anyways. He's just to blind to see why."
I said the last part quietly and frustrated. He still doesn't understand which makes me think he didn't love me as much as I loved him.
Shaka: "Why are you giving us attitude-"
Y/n: "Correction: you"
I start walking away. He rolls his eyes at me.
Shaka: "Okay why are you giving me attitude? I just saved y'all from a beat down."
I slowly turn around. He's acting like nothing happened. Like he didn't try to see me. I wanted to go see him so bad, but it was too risky. There's no telling what my mom would do to him or the rest of his family.
Y/n: "Why haven't you tried calling or anything? You'd think I'd just leave you after we just got back together? Besides, it's not like I couldn't defend myself!"
Shaka: "It didn't seem like you could protect yourself against Legend! I'm not letting that happen again. One hit to the stomach and you can die like you did in the hospital!"
I gasp. Is that his way of saying he was protecting me? Cause if so that hurt.
Mazzi: "Woah woah woah! That's enough! Shaka! Why would you say that?!"
My eyes started to get watery.
Y/n: "You know what. I thought maybe today would be the day I told you the truth. The day when you actually try to make an effort to see me even though I said not to. You didn't have to bring that back up. I died, but I'm still here. If that was your way of saying you were trying to protect me from that, it didn't help."
I grabbed my stuff and started quickly walking away.
Shaka: "Y/n wait!"
I didn't stop. I kept walking until I got home. As soon as I did, my phone rang. I jump up and down frustrated.
Y/n: "This better not be Shaka or Mazzi!"
I slowly walked to it and answered.
Y/n: "Hello?"
??: "Heyyyy! It's Jade! So I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the Karate place to drop off Shaka's bag he left. He texted me last minute and I'm rushing and I don't know where the place is. Plus he told me he saw you and that you actually didn't move away."
I don't want to go there! That's the last place I want to be,'s Jade.
Y/n: "First of all, Tae Kwon Do."
I said laughing.
Y/n: "Secondly, yes..... I'll show you how to get there."
Jade: "Good cause.."
There was a knock on the door and I opened it.
Jade: "I'm already here! Hi Y/n!"
She hugged me.
Jade: "It's been a while! But let's go, we'll catch up as we walk there."
Y/n: "Uh okay!"
I said as she pulled me out the door. So much is going on with the McKellan kids today. More than there has been in the past months.

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