safety net pt. 2, brendan brisson

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You felt neutral. You weren't exactly sad, but you definitely weren't happy. You were neutral. It was a bittersweet ending for you—you were relieved that it was over, but now you had to deal with the aftermath of Thomas. The tragic aftermath of Thomas Bordeleau.

You looked up from your textbook when you heard a bunch of familiar loud voices enter the café. You scanned the group and let out a breath of relief when you didn't see him, but you did meet somebody else's eye. Probably the next worst thing to Thomas.

"Hey, Y/N," Brendan greeted you with an easy smile.

"Hey, Brendan," You said with a little bitterness in your tone. You really didn't want to have a chat with Thomas' best friend right now. He was probably going to shit-talk you for breaking up with Thomas. But he didn't.

"I just wanted to ask if anything happened between you and Bords. He's been in a pretty shitty mood lately, so I wondered if you guys had been fighting."

Your eyebrows lifted in surprise, he didn't tell him. Not even in the mood for babying Brendan, you cut right to the chase. "We haven't been fighting. We're done. Broke up, I guess you could say," You deadpanned, watching as his mouth parted and disbelief spread throughout his face.

Part one of the journey from Thomas Bordeleau was the explanation—people being shocked that you two actually 'broke' up. It was really fucked up because everybody knew how bad the relationship was, but nobody thought you could actually break up with him. Everybody thought that you would just ride along with his cheating forever.

"Wow," He finally said. "I didn't expect to hear that today," He swallowed thickly, his eyes firmly on the table in front of him.

"Good for you," He said, his eyes slowly meeting mine. "You deserved better than him, Y/N. It destroyed me how he was with you and I'm glad you got away from all of it."

You genuinely smiled at the boy in front of you. This was the first positive response you had gotten and you were happy it was Brendan. "Thank you. I'm glad too."

He nods with a smile, "But are you okay? Do you need anything? Anything I could do?" He spews out questions.

You smile at his concern, something you hadn't felt recently, but it felt nice. "I'm fine, Bren, just getting over it," You shrug. "It's not easy, but I know I need to get over him."

He nods understandingly, "Alright, I'll leave you to study," He starts to stand up. "Please text me if you need anything or want some company." He smiles, but his eyes show an unseen emotion.

You nod, then remember that you actually needed to ask him something. "Oh actually, I have a bunch of Thomas' stuff in my dorm. Can I come by your house after my shift tonight and drop it off?"

His grin widens, "For sure, I'll take them to him."

You sighed in relief, you really didn't want to see him by taking his stuff back. You were thinking of just putting it on his doorstep, but this was better. "Thank you, Brendan, I really didn't want to see him."

"I completely understand, I'll see you tonight," He friendly winked at you and walked away.

A few hours later, you were on Brendan's doorstep, knocking on the door. A box of Thomas' clothes in your arms. You avoid even looking at them because you didn't want to think about the memories they hold. The times of Thomas wearing them and giving them to you. The times when his grin widened every time you came over in his clothes. It was a deep dark hole that you didn't want to fall down because you didn't know if you could climb back up.

You pushed away the sad thoughts and put on a happy face when Brendan opened the door.

You shoved the box into his hands as soon as you saw them. He looked at you alarmed, not expecting you to do that. You awkwardly smile, "Bad memories, don't really want to look at them," You chuckle, fiddling with your hands.

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