Chapter 81: Overthrowing An Emperor Part 1

Start from the beginning

>General Horace Warfield:
I know, officer. But we also can't evacuate for as we are cut off & our damn communications are jammed! I just don't get why Iron Man & War Machine would help the Raiders.

>General Horace Warfield's Mind:
That is unless... (Realizes something).

General Warfield then both realize & remembered what Raynor had said back when both the former & latter were on Char as the latter had told him that he is a liberator while Mengsk is the 1 meant to be behind bars. Remembering this then finally gave him the reason as to why the Armoured Heroes would side with Raynor.

>General Horace Warfield's Mind:
I see, so Raynor told them everything. Well, I guess I can't blame them for it.

And then General Warfield's thoughts were interrupted as an officer shouted...

>Naval Dominion Officer:
(Shouts) INCOMING!!!

And with that everyone then saw Iron Man throw a Behemoth Battlecruiser into their Gorgon Battlecruiser thanks to green hard-light giant hands that he constructed as he 1st started to spin it around before finally throwing it right at Warfield's location. Before Warfield could give the order to activate the Defense Matrixes the Battlecruiser then hits his Battlecruiser dealing heavy damage to both the interior & exterior as it nearly chopped the damn thing in half. Thanks to all that damage everyone tripped & fell to the ground as the ship shaked & because of this the force made them all fall. Warfield & the others were able to stand up but Warfield knew that if the fight continues they wouldn't last any longer. What's more is that he is concern about the safety of his crew as he then ordered...

>General Horace Warfield:
All troops, abandon ship & get to the escape pods immediately! This is a losing battle & we need to inform the Emperor right away!

>Dominion Crew:
(All) Sir Yes Sir!

And with that everyone then rushed to the escape pods as some of them died due to either explosions or some debris falling on them but they all pushed through going to the escape pods. But as they make their way there they made it but they were too late as an explosion caused not only the escape pods to be destroyed but also create a hole in the ship's hull as now everyone is trying to hold on to something as they get sucked out of the ship. All hope seemed lost as the things they were grabbing on wasn't gonna hold longer so for that they were all sent flying out into space. But just before they could meet death they were all then grabbed by several green energy bubbles as they tried to find their saviour & when they did they see Iron Man using his Green Lantern Powers as he saves them.

>Iron Man:
(While using powers) General Warfield, I only ask 1 thing, surrended both the planet & this battle, & if you do we'll let you live. What will it be?

Everyone then waited for a response as both stared at each other while the crew were all terrified as to what's gonna happen next. Back on the ground Raynor & his men are currently gunning down every Dominion Soldiers & Mandroids as tanks are seen shooting at defenses like artillery while Mechs & Mechas are seen laying waste to every enemy hostiles they encounter. As they battle through the planet every Dominion comms then started to contact every Dominion Soldiers as everyone stopped firing when it is an order from General Warfield & thankfully Raynor & the others stopped as General Warfield then said...

>General Horace Warfield:
(Through Comms) Attention all Dominion Troops, our ship has been destroyed, both me & the rest of my crew are taken hostage, & the fleet is now losing the battle! We have lost! I repeat, we have lost! Sadly, the only thing we can do now... Is Surrender. (Turns Off Comms)

Hearing this made every Dominion Soldiers wonder as to how they lost & why but now seeing their whole situation they're at they did 1 thing... They dropped their weapons to the ground while the drivers pilots got out of their vehicles & robots while Mandroids on the other hand stood down & went offline as now there was only thing that Raynor has to say.

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