Chapter 6: Dinner [edited]

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I took time out of my day to feed you children in the basement 🤭

Dinner with the fellow harbinger was anything but comfortable. He would often catch glances of you while you ate, even going as far as to attempt to make eye contact, though he immediately regretted it after. You had no intention of interrupting his awkward interactions. Seeing him momentarily flustered is one thing, but awkward? The Tartaglia, awkward? You had almost wanted to take a photo with your Kamera.

"What is it" you asked firmly. Tartaglia shifted uncomfortably as he tried to find the words to say.

"Can I ask a question?" he asked, clearly nervous. Of what? You didn't know.


Give me a chance, please
His voice echoed in your mind.

"..Fine." you sighed. His words really got to you. You started to worry if you where going too soft on him. Sooner or later he'd be asking you to marry him or something. 'Give a fatui weapons and they'll ask for an army' the Tsaritsa used to say to you. "What have you been doing these past 2 years?" he asked, poking at his food.
That's it?

"Well," you thought back to the past 2 years without him and frowned (more so than you've already been) "I've been serving the Tsaritsa, I guess. Destroyed lives, helped out with Pantalone's business, became a test subject for Dottore's experiments. Nothing new." you said in a no less-than-sarcastic tone

"Wow, very productive" he chuckled, taking in your irritated appearance.

"Yes, very." you replied blankly.

In reality, it was a lie.
It was a lie, but you couldn't tell him that.
You couldn't tell him that in reality, you had visited that same pond you used meet him at every single day he was gone. You couldn't tell him, that, even before he left for Liyue you kept track of him through records, failing to avoid him in every step he took because you couldn't forget him.
But it's not as if he was any better. You knew that.

"What have you been doing?" you asked, as if you didn't already know through the files you read, but genuinely curious how he would describe it through his words. You observed how his brows furrowed as he attempted to come up with an adequate answer. He was clearly trying to cover up something, just like you. "I guess I haven't been doing much" he shrugged "Well, like you I had debt collections every now and then. Oh, and now I get my ass beat by the traveler every Friday"

Oh. Wow

"You?" you raised your eyebrow, using a stoic tone but getting ready to tease him "Getting your ass beat? Tartaglia I thought you knew better"

"Haha.. well, you get rusty after not being able to spar for a while" he replied dejectedly

"So you got your ass beat every week"


You bursted out laughing, making Childe only look away in response. Really, it was times like this that made you love him.
..And hate him all the more.


After the Dance
(guys I promise flashbacks will end soon 😢)

"..Y/n?" he muttered under his breath. You snapped your head in his direction, "..Ajax" you replied back. He walked towards you slowly, carefully dodging the frozen corpses under his feet. Your mind told you to walk the other direction but your body was intent on staying still. By the time you had finished thinking, he was already in front of you.

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