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It's the 29th june

Me and mady are in the kitchen making pizza. PIZZA NIGHT!!! We decided to make our own and not order it.

We are listening to some music and literally screaming the lyrics. At this point I'm sure the neighbours already hate us!

"So when do you have to go to Charleston to film season 2!?" I turned down the music so we can hear each other and talk a little

I haven't talked to mady in a while like yes we have said some words to each other or something but not like talked talked

"In 2 weeks I have to fly to Charleston to do a little recap and table reads or something, and then we start filming on July 12th"

"Wait I just remembered your birthday is this week!! What are we going to do?" I totally forgot that my birthday is in literally 3 days!!!

"Wait it is this Saturday?" Mady just nodded her head. That's funny that mady remembered my birthday but I didn't, usually it's like the opposite

"I have literally nothing planned, but I think I'm just going to stay home" Macy's eyes winded when I said I would just stay home

Mady started coming a little closer to me "you can't stay home ITS YOUR TWENTY THIRD BIRTHDAY! WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY JULES!" Mady was shacking me by my shoulders

"Ok ok stop yelling mady" she finally let go and went back to the pizza making "we have to throw a big birthday party!" Mady smiled stoped when she remembered that it is covid and you can't grow party's

"Ok we will have a small just close friends, secret party" mady gave me a smile and put the pizza in the oven.

We sat down on the couch waiting for the pizza to cook "ok so I have to talk to you about something" i turned to look at mady

"It's about me and Rudy"

"Ok now I'm interested" I laughed a little about what she said. "Ok so I don't really know what's going on between us!?"

"First of remember when I got back from London and we stayed the night at chases?" She just nodded her head "so me and Rudy woke up at like 6 am and we went on a morning drive"

"Wait, wait a second why did you wake up at six in the morning?" We'll we didn't do it on purpose we just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep

"Ok so we went and hiked a little bit to se the sunset aaaandd long story short we kissed! Two times!" At this point Mady' eyes are going to pop out

"Then secondly I think we have been going on dates. We walked for like 6 hours on a beach, we had sushi at my favourite restaurant, we went to the park and had a picnic, we jammed out to so many songs while driving the other night, and did so many other things!!"

"And why exactly are you telling me know and not when this all happened!!!"

"Before I didn't really noticed any of this and I just realised that we might be dating?!!!" Mady just jumped up from the couch and started yelling


She finally calmed down and sat back on the couch with me "ok you have to tell him what you are feeling you can't just keep it in you ok?!"

I wanted to but I still don't know how Rudy feels "I don't know. Also rudy just got out of a relationship do you think he is ready for a new one?!!"

She jumped up again "WHAT DO YOU MEAN JUST GOT OUT he and Elaine broke up days ago that is all in the past, and if you asked me I feel like that was just a fling, you and Rudy are meant to be together!" We were interrupted by the oven bell going of

Lover boy <3 part 2Where stories live. Discover now