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"Listen, I was mortified when I saw it again, but they just continued!" Luz howled in laughter, slamming her fist down onto the table as she struggled to breath. Gus was doubled over onto the table as Amity leaned back on her chair clutching her stomach.

They were telling funny stories that had happened to them in the past, currently dying over an unfortunate story of Willow catching the same couple making out everywhere she went, she described it as 'a disease'.

Amity's eyes widened as she leant back a bit too far, the chair falling backwards as the others gasped, looking over to see Amity with tears in her eyes, struggling to breath as she rolled on the floor in laughter. The others quickly joined in again, Willow collapsing on the floor next to Amity as she fell off her chair looking at Amity rolling around on the floor. The others just laughed harder, Luz choking and Gus wheezing like a kettle as Willow led on her back with her limbs spread out as she cackled, Amity rolling from her stomach to her back every now and then, her arms bound tightly around her belly as she kicked her legs up.

After a while of laughing at and with each other, Amity's limbs went limp, falling off herself into a star shape on the floor, choking a few more giggles out.

She slowly stood up with support from the chair, sitting back down as a few more small giggles were spread from the others looking down at Willow, trying to get off the ground. After she got back up and sat in her chair, they continued, it being Amity's turn. "So, this one time, my brother and sister had brought some friends over, and were playing a game where they had cards with our classmates names on them. They invited me to play, and us being 14, 15 and 16, there were some really bad and stupid impressions."

Amity giggled slightly as she continued. "So, we were taking turns pulling names out of a cup, and Edric, my brother, got my mother's name, so we came to the conclusion that someone had slipped her name in." Amity tried her best to calm down as she continued. "And so, he got up, tied his hair up in a little bun, took some of my sisters makeup to put on, tied two towels around his chest and waist, and then made an impression like this," Amity got up, clearing her throat as she nearly doubled over laughing again.

She stood back up, taking a deep breath before walking back over to the table, her lower lip wobbling as she tried to keep a straight face. Once she started talking, everyone instantly broke out in another fit of laughter, the impression sounding like a strangled bird. In her fit of laughter and continuation of the impression, Amity walked back into her chair, falling over onto the floor for the second time that night as she choked out more laughter, Willow leaning over onto the floor as she choked as well, Gus wheezing and Luz slamming her fist onto the table again, her head led on it as she cried.

She shot up as their giggling ceased, the others darting their eyes over to the table as they heard a crack. Gus snorted at the silence and crack, the others quickly joining in again as howls filled the room once more.

After another good while of stories and laughter, they all decided to head to bed since it was late. "Hey Minty." Luz said, walking up to Amity who was halfway up the stairs. "What?" She questioned as she turned around slowly, she had never gotten a nickname before. "Minty? A nickname, you know?" Amity shook her head, a confused look on her face as she walked down the hallway to the bathroom, Luz in front of her walking backwards.

"Anyways, do you have homework tomorrow?" She asked, leaning against the wall as both girls started to brush their teeth. "Um, I don't think so, I'll check." Amity replied, Luz nodded as she decided to describe the origins of her nickname. "I called you minty because of your hair colour. I thought it was fitting." She explained, walking to Amity's room with her. "Ah, well, I don't exactly like my hair colour." She said, walking to her scroll to check her work.

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