Whose Nezu got on Speed Dial 3?

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UA High: Nezu's Office

Maijima was starting to fidget in his chair. Nezu had been staring at him with his paws folded on his desk for the last 13 minutes. The clock ticking on the wall behind him only serves to make the anxiety build. It's probably there for that purpose alone. He briefly wondered if the clock was tuned to a frequency that the principal himself couldn't hear. Most likely.

Finally, nearing the 14 minute mark, Nezu just sighs and turns toward his computer pulling up the camera feed from the lab. A couple seconds of scrubbing the video backwards and they're watching Mei as she's bent over her project. The screen shows her leaning back and checking the clock before bending back down and connecting one last wire. They could both see her just starting to untense her shoulders when she goes suddenly still, head turned sideways. Maijimas been building long enough to guess that she probably heard something because not even a fraction of a second later she's jumping backwards. However, just like they had seen in class, as Mei is mid jump back, a flash of blue light bursts out and shoots straight center to her chest.

Nezu rewinds the video and slows it down from the moment her shoulders start to untense. The Principle had to admit he was impressed with her reaction time despite how it turned out in the end. This girl sure knows how to keep things interesting.

"Do you know what her current project was?" it had resembled a ray gun of sorts, a bit out of the norm for Ms. Hatsume this year.

"Ah, yes a little bit. The overall idea was transporting nonorganic materials near instantaneously from point A to B. It hasn't been something she's been working on often, I've looked at it as a side project that managed to keep her attention." All he received from his boss was a noncommittal hum.

Reaching for his phone, Nezu hits number 3 on speed dial and puts it on speaker. Maijima leans forward, massively curious to who Nezu was calling. The teachers had a betting pool going for who was on each number. All Mights arrival last year got the confirmation he was #1, much to Aizawa's disgruntlement.

After about 7 rings a voice finally filters through, "Nezu? It's been forever, I hope you're doing well! I don't typically get courtesy calls from you, so what's up? Allmights okay, right? I haven't seen anything on the news recently." Power Loader felt like he should know that voice from somewhere..

"Ah David, I hope I didn't pull you from anything important." Maijima felt his eyes bug out. David? As in David Shield? The greatest inventor currently alive, David Shield??

Remembering he's on speaker phone, he tries to keep his freak out to himself. Nezu totally set that up on purpose. "About 20 minutes ago, one of our support students had a project malfunction and seems to have disappeared. Our health monitor is still working strong so we have good reason to believe she is alive and safe since her vitals are mostly level. However, we cannot use the tracking data. It's throwing signals I've never seen before but maybe you'd be familiar with. What do you say, up for a mystery project?"

There was about 5 seconds of silence. "Can I bring Melisa?"

"Absolutely of course," Nezu hung up after finishing travel details and turned to face his support teacher. "Looks like your Problem Child is already making this an interesting year and she might not even be here for any of it."

Power Loader just tilts his head back and groans. The headache that started around minute 10 of the initial stare off gave a very meaningful throb.


It would be another day before David shield and his team could get to UA between packing and travel time. Nezu and Power Loader grabbed a couple of the other teachers to help with grab all Mei's stuff. They needed to move it all to a single room to make it easier to sort through. That meant everything in her room, her lab space and the items lock-up. They offered a space for the support students where they could rent space to store their finished and in progress projects. Hatsume is known to have the highest record of legitimately used storage boxes, so they'll need all the hands they can get and a relatively big room.

It was just the start of collecting things and both Nezu and Maijima realize how organized she kept it all. Hatsume had created detailed inventories lists for every protobox and they were each tied to a code number that could be tracked to sub journals on the topic or project.

This in mind they made sure to move things in the order she had placed them in, and Maijima was skimming through a large book that was essentially a giant glossary for ideas that footnoted to sub journals if you wanted more information. This book held a small summary of most of her inventions and was the most recent of 7 they had found. What peaked his interest the most were the pages that looked to be written in code. Nezu will probably have some fun with that. One of the sketches on a coded pages looks pretty similar to the ray gun she had been working on so there's a high chance it was a match. It really is a reality unique design compared to some of her other 'babies'.

Once the principal was done overseeing the collection and set up, he retreated to his office to do an initial sweep of Hatsumes computer beore tomorrow. The whole thing took longer than he had anticipated. It's one thing to know she has the record in the storage lock up, but another thing entirely to watch as about 300 boxes got brought in by an army of ectoplasm's clones. A good 20 of the boxes were dedicated solely to notebooks and blueprints.

Taking no time to get past her lock, he was now staring at her code. And while yes, in essence this would send something from point a to B, there were 2 big glaring flags nezu was noticing right away. The first being, the space where it demands a location you want to send the object to is terrifyingly blank. Second, the last section she had been working on and had completed before returning to the final wiring of the project, was contingencies and commands for energy output to transport to a different reality should a user want that. While looking at it, it would seem impossible to power that type of feature, but as he shut everything down for the night, he had a growing feeling in his stomach that his student had found herself in a different universe.   

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