"Yeah, I guess you could consider me passionate about it. I've always wanted to be a comic book sketcher."

"That's cool!" He smiles. "I've always kinda wanted to be a writer."

"A writer?" I cock a brow, not particularly expecting that.

"What, are my dnd narrating skills not proof enough?" He smirks cockily, causing me to giggle.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

We haven't played dnd in a while, mainly because Mike and El are too busy with... saliva exchange.

Silence emerges throughout the atmosphere, starting to make me uncomfortable after a while.

Goddamnit say someth—

"So- what brings you here?" I finally say. Mike clicks his tongue against his top teeth, interlocking his fingers and exhaling before opening his mouth to speak.

"Well um... it's about El." Of course.

"It's just- I had to cancel our plans today because of her psycho dad." He rolls his eyes. "I think she might suspect that I'm lying- no, she definitely knows I'm lying and I'm panicking. What if she breaks up with me when she finds out that nana isn't sick??"

"You told her your nana was sick??" I ask him, my mouth gaping. That's like the worst thing he could've done, but I don't have the heart to tell him that.


"Look- I'm sure it's fine. As long as you apologise or make it up to her, things will be okay!" I place my hand on his shoulder, rubbing it comfortingly.

"You're right... I'm sure I'm just overthinking everything. I'm sorry..."

"No, it's okay." I smile and look down at the ground.

"It's just..." Mike starts, and I take my hand off his shoulder. "I don't know... like- the party is great and I enjoy being in it, but... there's something special about you."


Badum, badum, badum...

"You're just so... accepting. And I can't help but feel the most comfortable opening up to you about these things. Sorry if it annoys you..."

He's wrong on so many levels. Talking to me about his personal problems makes me so happy in ways that I can't describe.

Well, except- y'know. Him and El's subtle relationship issues.

But despite all of it, it makes my heart flutter knowing that he prefers to talk to me. Me.

"No, no... you know- you're always free to talk to me about these things, right?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Will." He flashes me a small smile.

"So..." I say after a while.

"So..." Mike repeats.

"Have you... planned tomorrow's campaign yet?" I ask, referring to dnd.

"Oh! Um- yeah. I was thinking we redo the Khuisar Tribe campaign since we basically all died last time."

I smile. "Cool."

"Cool." He returns the smile.

Max Mayfield

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐞Where stories live. Discover now