" Maybe it was to propose to somebody else" Narcissa suggested. 

" He has the ring on his finger" Lucius sneered " I hate muggles" 

" We know" Hermione says.

" Will you stop staring at it" Harry asked starting to get annoyed. 

" Is this Drarry or not" Harry asks simply. 

" I don't know, maybe its Dramione" Loki snickered. 

" WHAT" Hermione shouted

" Or Dransy" 

" Is it?" Pansy asks.

" Or Dron" 

" I will puke" Ron says.

" But its Pretty!" Now, Draco had lots of money-Definitely enough money that he didn't have to steal-but thought the thrill would be fulfilling.

" Stealing is Thrilling" Snape has a plain face. 

" For Criminals-Draco isn't one though. So I don't get it" Dumbledore shrugs.

Thus he grabbed the key an employee had foolishly left behind on top of the counter. 

" Your Joking" Ginny laughs nervously " That's stealing" 

" Its ok, Its the Muggle world" Draco says slyly. 

" Its not ok, in any world" Fred glares at him. 

He slid it in, and made sure Harry was still looking at a little kid eating lip balm across the aisle. 

" Lip Balm" Bellatrix spits. 

" That is something I would watch for sure" Harry made a crooked smile. 

" That's disgusting" Blaise snarls.

Holding the ring on this hand ,he felt a shiver of adrenaline run up his spine. He grinned.

" This is Drarry" Ron agreed. 

" Its confirmed" Hermione chuckles. 

" I hate this" Harry says . 

" You'll pay for that" Harry said without even turning to loo at him " Right?"

" Awe he knows his fiancée well" Ginny gushed. 

" Your Joking, you can't support this" Harry points " This crap" 

" Rubbish, Its unique Fanon. I love the gays" 

Draco held his cool " Why wouldn't I" 

" Because just a second ago you said you find stealing thrilling" Pansy says. 

" Because it is" Draco says.

" This potter understands you" Blaise says. 

" Obviously, because its on OC Potter, who isn't a spiteful, hateful bratty git" Draco scoffs. 

" Because you have this look in your eyes, which tells your going to something"

" I mean he didn't lie, you always have this look that your about to do something" Harry says. 

" Especially during 6th year" Hermione says. 

" Oh my God-I was re-watching Harry Potter and The Half Blood prince and this man was lurking, like it was sooooo creepy" Loki sighs. 

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