Chapter 25: Fireworks

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I still kept the ring on. And the necklace. 

"Jesus Christ, I just almost fell to my fucking knees," Ezra says breathlessly as I reach the bottom of the stairs. "You are so fucking beautiful."

The corners of my mouth turn up in a smile, and like usual, he smiled seeing me smile.

"I promise this drive will be shorter," he grabs my hand in his. 

His promise was right. We only drove for about an hour. I had no idea where we were going, but I could tell it was somewhere remote since we only drove on dirt roads to get there.

We approached a hill, filled with trees. I almost didn't notice the house until Ezra pulled into the driveway.

"Who's house is this?" I asked him. 

The car came to a stop in front of the porch steps. 


I felt my eyebrows lower, but didn't have time to ask any further questions since he got out of the car.

I quickly got out, stepping into the nature. Even though it was summer, the temperature here was perfect. The trees provided shade, and a calming breeze danced through the branches. 

"What do you mean, ours?" I ask, following him up the porch steps. 

The birds chirp as a breeze hits us. He pulls out a key from his pocket, and uses it to unlock the door.

"My address isn't exactly a secret anymore, ever since those bullets went through the windows. I want you to have a safe place you can go to, whenever you wish. I've been having this house built for a while now, and it's finally done," he told me while holding the door open.

I stepped inside, looking around. It was calm and nice, not covered in expensive things. Light wood flooring with white walls, and white furniture sat in the living room. It didn't feel like a million-dollar mansion, like the other house. It felt like a family one. 

I opened my mouth to say something, when a noise made me turn my head. 

I gasped seeing the cutest cat I'd ever seen in my entire life walking up to me. I bent down, holding my hand out for it to sniff. It was fluffy and white, with big blue eyes. 

"I know you love cats. Thought it was time you got to have your own," he said to me as I lifted her up.

Her fur was so soft that it felt like you were touching feathers. I smiled at her, "I love her so much. What's her name?"

"Lavender," he told me.

Her little collar was light purple with a tiny bell on the front of it. I smiled widely, "Thank you so much, Ezra. I love this house - and this freaking cat."

"That's not all," he told me.

I set Lavender down, and she lay down on the floor and shuts her eyes. She's just like me.

I follow him out to the back of the house. At first, I don't notice what he was showing me, but then the colors catch my eye. A garden filled with every type of flower he had ever given me brightly sat there, getting blown by the wind. 

"You did this yourself?" I asked softly.

He nodded. 

"You do too much for me, Ezra," I turn and say to him.

His dark eyebrows lower. He shakes his head, "Nothing is too much for you, Lilac. You deserve everything and more."

"Tell me something that you want to do before you die. Right now," he said abruptly.

His, Forever ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt