Chapter 20: Come back early

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But she didn’t regret it. If she were to relive it, she’d probably still make the same choice.

Because she knew what this crybaby was like in reality, and she was by no means as unbearable as other people said.

She couldn’t lie to herself.

And also didn’t want to go against her heart.

“. . . . . .”

The revenge Yeonjung mentioned didn’t cause much of a disturbance in the end.

Going from an ordinary employee to a team leader, the responsibilities that came along with her change in position also expanded. Her workload increased, and she was busy adapting to this difference every day. Her free time was thus reduced, so she didn’t have much of a chance to make trouble.

If she were to use Chengxiao’s words to describe this, it would probably be that her skills didn’t match her title.

Unless she toned down and was willing to put in the effort, she was going to screw up sooner or later.

In addition, Jiyeon was still only an intern, and she didn’t have any requirements related to sales performance, so Yeonjung couldn’t target her in this direction even if she wanted to.

Aside from asking her to run errands and purposely increasing her workload, there wasn’t anything Yeonjung could do.

Jiyeon simply accepted the orders one by one in response.

And not only did she accept every order, but she also completed them to the best of her ability, to the point that no fault could be picked out.

She was thinking, let’s see who disgusts the other to death first.

A few days passed, and Hyunjung still hadn’t returned from the factory.

It had been so long that it almost matched the time she usually spent on a business trip abroad. There probably was some incredibly important thing to be dealt with there.

Jiyeon sighed, scrolling through her Twitter during her free time before exiting and opening kakaotalk. She decided to send Hyunjung a message asking her how she was doing. Just as she was about to click send, Yeonjung suddenly called her name from behind her.

“Jiyeonsshi! What are you doing during work time!”

Her voice was exceptionally loud.

She finally caught a fault to point out.

Jiyeon's expression froze, and after she adjusted herself, she finally turned around.

“Sorry,” she smiled, apologizing in a serious tone, “I’ll get back to work immediately.”

She didn’t wait for her to say anything else and stood up, holding documents in her hand as she went to the Documentation Department.

Yeonjung was about to break a tooth from clenching her teeth too hard as she watched her leave. Her expression also became uglier than before.

The President Is A Crybabyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن