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The bottle kept spinning around and around, until it finally started slowing down. And all Ron could do was pray to Merlin that it didn't land on him, or he'd be screwed for sure. But of course the universe, like always, was against him. Because the bottle suddenly stopped on him, and his face matched the color of his hair. He wanted to die, he wanted the earth to open a hole underneath him and swallow him whole. He much preferred to be back in the forest with a torned bleeding arm, which was horrible, than having to kiss Blaise Zabini.

"Uh, things are getting interesting now" Pansy squeals.

"They got interesting when these two started dry humping" Dean points to a nearby couch where Draco is sitting with Harry on his lap while they make out passionately and, indeed, dry humping.

"Honestly, we shouldn't have let them drink all that fire whiskey" Hermione complaints rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, I bet they wouldn't have kissed each other when the bottle landed on Harry if they were sober" Seamus laughs.

"I'm not sure about that, they've always been quite fond of each other" Luna says dreamily.

"Yeah, the only reason why they're always at each other's throats is because of the amount of sexual tension they have between them" Ginny giggles.

"Maybe, but I bet that if they had-" Neville gets cutt off.

"Ehem, excuse me. Not to interrupt your very interesting conversation, but can we please get on with the kissing?" Blaise says with an annoyed tone.

"Why so desperate Zabini?" Theo teases.

"Because I'm about to put my very desperate lips on Wesley's very plump ones, so can you all shut up and let me kiss him?" Blaise rolls his eyes.

They all make 'uuhh' sounds but stay quite afterwards, waiting for the pair to move. Ron remained in his spot in the circle and refused to move, but Blaise didn't mind crawling towards him. When he was about 20 centimeters away from him, Ron suddenly realized what was happening and yelled out loud.

"No, I won't kiss him! I can't, I-I refuse to do it!" Ron shook his head and back away.

"Aw come on Wesley, it's just one kiss. Why can't you do it? Are you homophobic?" Pansy asks.

"What? No, I'm not homophobic! My best friend is literally gay" Ron points to Harry.

"Then what's the matter? Is it because he's black? Are you racist?" Theo questions him.

"No, it's not any of that! I just...I can't do it because...he's..." He hesitates.

"A Slytherin? Son of a Death Eater? What Ron, what?" Hermione asks.

"He doesn't want to kiss him because he's afraid, he thinks that his true feelings for him might reveal themselves if he does so" Luna says.

Everyone stares at him in shock, but Ron starts shaking his head violently.

"No, that's not true! I don't like him like that, I swear! I just-"

"It's alright Ron, I like you too" Blaise smirks.

And just like that Blaise launches himself forward and smashes his lips on Ron's, both of them falling down with Ron laying on his back and Blaise on top of him. Blaise starts moving his lips desperately and Ron just states at him in shock, but after a minute he relaxes and starts kissing back. His eyes finally close and he wraps his arms around Blaise's neck, pulling him closer.

After the war the Hogwarts students decided to go back to school to finish their studies, and now they had time to discover and explore new things. Ron's newly found feelings for Blaise developed through their visits to Hogsmeade and their parties, which Harry and Draco organized to unite all houses. But he was too scared to admit he had them, let alone confess them, in fear of getting rejected. But now he had his crush on top of him, making out with him passionately.

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