"Uh..." Nathan stuttered.

"I got it. Werent you here yesterday, with that blonde girl?" the waiter asked, looking slightly amused. 

"Uh... No, why would you think that?" Nathan asked.

"Yes you were. I remember that we mixed up her order, and she was so furious." the waiter laughed slightly, and I looked at Nathan in shock. He wasnt looking at me, so I turned to the waiter.

"Um, excuse me, but how long was he here for?" I asked him.

"About two hours and a half." The waiter said, confused.

"And, did he and the girl kiss?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. The waiter finally understood what was happening, and nodded. I turned to Nathan with wrath clearly in my eyes. 

"Uh... Iz, I can explain." Nathan said, still not looking at me.

"Save it Nathan. I dont need your excuses. We're over." I said, slightly disgusted to be near him. 

"But-" Nathan started.

"No buts. I should have guessed when you took three hours to come back from the grocery store. But, I dont care. I hope your happy with whoever you are with now." I told him, and turned on my heel. I walked towards the door, when I remembered something. I turned around, and went back to Nathan. "I need you to give me the keys to my apartment." I told him, holding my hand out. He placed his hands in his pocket, and took it out.

"Here," he mumbled, handing it to me. 

"And your car keys." I told him.

"What? No way, are you crazy?" Nathan asked shocked. I thought about it.

"A bit. Now hand them over." I told them, with a serious face, but he didnt move.

Then, an idea popped into my head. I moved closer to him, and placed my hands on his pocket carefully, so he wouldnt notice.

"Nate, I will miss you so much." I lied, while trying to find his keys.

"You know, it doesnt need to end." He told me, when I finally got the keys in my hand. I got them out and smiled innocently. 

"Yep it does." I told him, shaking the keys in my fingers, so he could see them. His eyes went wide in shock, as I ran outside to the car. I shouldnt have worn high heels. My mom once said that high heels were made by men, so that women didnt run away from them quickly. Guess she was right. 

I opened the door, and gave life to the car. I smiled to myself, and started driving. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I dont have my drivers license yet. But I'm almost eighteen, and did my drivers' test. I passed the driving part, but not the writing part. 

I decided to drive to the boys' house and pick up Kenzie. I needed her. I mean, we were always there for each other. I felt tears threatning to fall, but I blinked them away. 

I pulled up into the front of the house, and got out of the car. I walked towards the front door, and just as I was about to ring the bell, I noticed it was slightly open. I opened it completely and came in. I locked the door, and started to look for Mac. 

I missed this place so much. It held so many memories, so many stories soon to be told. I sighed, and went outside. I looked at the pool, and remembered the times I've been here. There was this once where there was John, Mac, Chris, April and I, and we were just having fun, and splashing water in each other.

Yeah, yeah. I know I'm havent been the same since I left Harry, but I'm kind of glad. i feel like I'm finally the person which I was meant to be. I looked up, and saw Mac in a black biquini getting a tan. Kind of weird considering the sun left hours ago...

"Hey," I said walking over to her. She opened her eyes, and furrowed her eyes confused.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were with Nathan." Mac asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I rolled my eyes at her. "And, Nathan and I kind of broke up. Found out he was cheating on me." I told her. She sat up, and gave me a hug.

"Oh my gosh, that bastard. I'm so sorry Iz. I know how much you liked him." Mac said, hugging me tighter with each word. Lie. I didnt like Nathan that much. He was kind of just a way to try to forget Harry. I actually liked him in a brotherly way or something. 

"Its fine." I told her. "So, what's happened?"

"Not much. The boys keep whispering, and Harry left a couple of hours ago. I'm just tanning." Mac shrugged.

"Tanning at night?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Yeah. There's nothing else to do, so..." she trailed off. 

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes at my dumb friend. Who tans at night?

"Yeah, whatever." she mocked me. "Anyways, I think I should get inside and take a shower. I bet the boys will be excited to see you, and please dont try to kill them." she pleaded.

"Chill. I'm not gonna kill them. And I'll come with you." I told her, making my way towards the house. 

We walked in, and the boys were sitting around in the living room waiting for us. I noticed how Mac didnt even make an attempt to cover her body with the towel, and would ask her why later. Not to be mean, obviously, its just that's she's so shy about wearing biquinis. 

"Izzy?" Liam asked me confused. 

"Hey Li," I said smiling.

"Isnt Harry with you?" Liam asked, and I shook my head.

"Why would he be?" I asked confused.

"Because he was going to go to talk to you," Liam blurted out, but placed a hand in his mouth once he realised what he said. A smile crept into my face. Harry was looking for me. 

"Oh, I'm here." I told them. 

"Why?" Zayn asked.

"Long story short: Nathan and I broke up," I told them.

"Well guys, I'll just take a shower, and I'll be right back." Mac said, heading for the stairs.

"Wait, Mac." I said, and she stopped and turned to look at me. "Could you get that teddy bear?" I asked.

"Bubby?" Mac asked confused. Bubby was an old, huge teddy bear, but she stopped playing it a couple of years ago. However, she never let him go.

"Yes. I want to cry on him." I lied, not knowing from where that came from.

"Are you sure you're ok? I think your slightly sick." she told me.

"I'm fine. Just bring bubby downstairs. Niall," I said, turning to look at him, "Would you mind helping Kenz?" I asked innocently.

"Yeah, sure," Niall said standing up.

"Or maybe I could just help her," Lou suggested standing up too, but I quickly glared at him, making him sit right back down.

"Lou, Niall can do it. But thanks anyways." I smiled. Mac and Niall went upstairs and I was left alone with the boys. Great.... Note sarcasm...

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