Evening star-2

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I went inside and started playing lofi sad songs, I know I am dramatic but you know I cannot completely blame him, to be a mafia he should not trust anybody, that was the first rule taught to me when I was training, it should repeat in our head in order to be on the top of the hierarchy in the underworld.

there are so many people out there, waiting to deceive the next second they found that you are an innocent little lamb, they will make sure you end up in a skewer. But I am sure as hell I want to punish him a little for this, maybe push the limits that will make him confess his love for me.

the next day morning:

3rd person POV

Yuji cooked breakfast and left soon today this was the starting of the plan, *sulking* damn, she was just petty but deep inside she knew Namjoon tried hard to avoid this situation, Lucas can be a manipulative asshole,  she shrugged the thoughts and concentrated in her work.

when Namjoon woke up the next morning all he saw was, a covered breakfast plate sitting on the kitchen platform with a flower-shaped sticky note that says, "eat!" he let out a small smile seeing her caring nature in this cute gesture but, he still felt sad about how she did not bother about serving him breakfast like she usually does.

but it was understandable, he was an asshole yesterday deep inside he knew Yuji would never do something like that but seeing their childhood photos on his walls, he felt damn jealous. why didn't he deserve someone like her from childhood? he was sure she was an amazing friend to him, but he let out the spite of his jealousy, yesterday.

he wanted to go inside the guest room and beg for her forgiveness and kiss her so badly she was his evening star, his only hope, and connection with the true self he wanted and needed her for surviving, he wanted to get rid of the thought of being distant, he knew he wasn't giving her enough attention and affection and being a selfish asshole only to receive from her.

but this was all new to him, he only knows to admire not to express but when she expressed her feelings so openly, he was amused and she became his muse. which he wanted to hide from the rest of the world and treasure her like the only thing that was valuable to him.

It was already evening and Namjoon came home in the evening so that he could spend some time with Yuji but he was met with, an empty house and he was sad, devastated even though he did not want to think that Yuji would leave him, he knew about her ex-boyfriend in her high school days who left her thinking that she cheated, she had trust issues after that, he just hopes that he didn't trigger something 

Yuji came home late, and call her petty but she decided to do a fake hickey prank, and she sprayed some vodka on her made herself messy, like she was drunk, she knew it would hurt namjoon and she is sure she didn't want that but a little bit of what she feels somedays when he doesn't attend he calls and ignores her and doesn't give her what all her friends have with her husbands.

Namjoon was already on the couch, waiting for her arrival but as soon as he saw her state he was worried and sad, he went near her trying to talk to her, "don't come near me! you idiot I want to choke you" (A/N: kinky ;) ) he found her state hot but he wanted to talk, she flipped her hair back and went towards her room, but too bad, he saw her hickey, "Yu, Jagi I know you are angry at me"

"yes, I am" she snapped, he took a deep breath controlling his tears, and tried again "Yu, darling please let me talk" he begged, "as you talked to me yesterday before accusing me?" he started sobbing, she felt bad "Namjoon, this is a prank, I am sorry baby I get it, you cannot trust anyone in this job. I am sorry I just wanted to prank you" I sighed "no, I-I know, I d-dont des-serve y-you but p-please give m-me a ch-chance, I am s-sure I will w-win y-our h-heart!" he wailed I just held him near my chest and caressed his hair.

"do you love me Namjoon?" "I LOVE YOU YUJI-AH SO MUCH, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" he wailed again. "the hickeys are fake baby, don't worry I love you too much to love someone else, please, let's be frank and take it slowly, I am sure we love each other so much, we will discover everything about each other"

he hummed sleepily and I carried him to our room and then we cuddled.

wahh! what a cliche ending, hmmm

thank you for the reads and votes!

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