Chapter 07

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Thena was spending her time in the viewing room, watching the outside, all the stars they were passing by, all the planets that could harbor life and maybe a Celestial in its center. She was trying to avoid everybody as much as she could and especially their new guest. Eros was taking every occasion to flirt with her and was laying it thick. It made her uncomfortable. Thena was still in mourning. She hadn't shared her plan to bring Gilgamesh back that much was true but not even a month had passed. This guy really had no boundaries.

The goddess was also hiding from anything that would remind her of Gilgamesh. Unfortunately, the Domo seemed to be full of it, little things and bigger ones. Makkari had been collecting a lot of things through the years. Most of those trinkets weren't related to Gilgamesh directly but to Thena they still had something that reminded her of him. She had spotted an apron in the big room randomly lying about. Just looking at that, the goddess started missing his cooking so much. Even when he had been trying a new recipe and failed miserably at it. Mahd Wy'ry would never erase those memories if she had a word to say about that. The soul forge still had each of their sports. Ikaris, Sprite and Gilgamesh were still part of the team as the ship was concerned. Arishem had probably rebuilt them more times she cared to think about.

Olympia was such a disappointment. They all had a memory of a futuristic looking city bursting with life. Big building should have been high in the sky. Vehicles of all kinds should have been flying between them. Other Eternals just like them should have been living there, with their families and friends doing everything and anything but fighting Deviants. Once their mission would have been done, they had been promised with a dramatically changed life and the opportunity to become whatever they had wanted to be. They could have had a future, maybe children. Olympia was nothing of that.

The planet was huge, visible from quite a distance. What was in front of them was barren, a rock with craters all around, reminding them of the Earth's moon really. The only difference was that Olympia was just there in the middle of space without any orbiting objects around. It didn't seem to have an atmosphere but it wasn't like the Celestial needed air to breathe. The only building on it looked larger than anything they had ever seen and made of the same stone that the planet was made of. The structure was with too many sharp angles to look naturally made. The whole thing looked grey and desolate. The layers of dust showed them that visitors were rare and probably not welcomed. Thena would rather live almost anywhere but there. This had been their dream, the place they thought about when their mission seemed too long. Arishem had really pulled on an elaborate lie all along.

Druig wasn't piloting the Domo anymore. The ship was taking its direction from somewhere else or seemed to be pulled by an unseen force of some kind. Arishem knew now they were coming in no doubt. That pulling force hadn't been in their planning. Their retreat might be a lot more difficult than they had been expecting. They already had a lot of things they would need to find a solution on the spot. It started to pile on. This wasn't a fight against a Deviant or even Tiamut. Too much was left unknown for them to be comfortable about the outcome.

To think about it, Arishem could have done worse than controlling the ship. It could be an automated response to the Domo approaching for all they knew. The Celestial was most probably capable of much more. The Eternals were his creations whether they like it or not. Arishem was able to take their memories away, to rebuild their bodies, surely he could control them in more ways than one and that whenever he would want. Thena wouldn't be deterred even if everything seemed to be impossible at the moment. Gilgamesh deserved that, for her to fight as hard as she could do. She couldn't lose that fight and she wouldn't let Arishem take her memories of Gilgamesh. Never.

Thena couldn't even conceive forgetting Gilgamesh in any way. The pain would probably go away with them, she knew that. Sometimes, she found herself wishing she just wouldn't feel so broken all the time. The goddess was missing a part of herself now. Gilgamesh wouldn't have wanted that for her though. She just couldn't shake the feeling off. Happiness felt completely out of reach for now, until he would be back by her side. In her worst moment, when she couldn't believe she would be able to bring him back, she just didn't want to carry on. Everything was too hard. What would be the point in living if he wasn't there again?

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