Does Nick know I'm the one on the other end? He looks like he's staring into a deep abyss while looking at his phone. There's not a single thought behind his eyes as he looked at it.

"Who's that?" Nick looked up behind the phone

"She's under the name.. 'Daphne colon D' (Daphne :D) so I think her name is-"

"DAPHNE, HELP ME" Nick cuts his friend off, fighting the grip on his arms "THEY WANT TO KILL ME"

"What is even happening and why out of all people would you guys be calling me?" Sometimes I question how my coder turns into someone who Kai wants me to desperately get with and someone who is being held hostage and needs me for help. I just wanted my fairytale mod.

"DAPHNE! IT'S ME PUNZ!" I see Punz go down to Nick's shoulder, waving at me drunkenly.

Oh my god, they were all hammered. Nick's friends are basically all the same people except some are older and some are younger. Am I in hell? What the fuck did I do wrong in my life?

"Hi Punz!" I nervously greet.

Punz takes over the phone and shows everyone near him but this time it was closer and I was able to make out some of their faces. I see George, the groom Nick spoke about, Alex, the one with the worst angles in the history of the world, Punz, the one that gave me unnecessary information about sneezing giving people orgasms and Clay? Clay, the formal and serious one about his work, Clay?

Never would I have thought I would see the guy I thought was a serious worker and somewhat of a dickhead when we first met drunk and all woozy beside Nick.

"Is that the girl you like?" I hear someone ask again

"No Nick likes someone named Dani or something.. Daniela?" Another one spoke.

"YES NOW LEAVE HER ALONE SHE'S MY BOSS" I hear Nick fight again. "LET ME GO"

"Why are you guys being so mean to him?" I joked, moving the phone to just show my forehead. Somehow everyone went ballistic over it. Like I've never shown my face ever and people are excited for the slow burn of the reveal.

"Nick is the youngest one here and so he is the baby" The British one started tickling his chin like he was a toddler.

"You're one to talk wittle gogy"

The call went on for about 10 more minutes of whatever was happening and to be honest, I didn't want to hang up because this was lowkey really entertaining and I have nothing else to do so..

Everything went well until I saw a girl with somewhat gray-ish or light colored hair go up to Clay. Her dress was fucking amazing though.

"Clay, I'm tired and my head hurts" She complained coldly to him, pulling his arm.

I think that was his girlfriend but I don't want to assume anything just in case it was his sister or something.

Clay let go of Nick's hand to accommodate the girl but it was able to let Nick get a boost out of the way. Once Clay let go of his arm, he used it to push Punz backwards, grab his phone and run across the room.


The poor phone probably has so much spit on it from everyone fucking choosing to angle it below their chin. Why am I constantly staring at their necks? It's like I can tell all of them apart just by their neck at this point.

"Niiiick" Clay dragged out, sloppily running up to his friend "Wisteria's tired so we must go to the hotel and go to sleep for tomorrow because we have school"

Oh my god they think they're in elementary.

"Wait we have school tomorrow?" Nick stopped running and looked at Clay with a terrified face. "But my mom said I could stay up"

Wait are they being serious?

"Yeah well Wisteria is telling me to go and I don't want to go but then Wisteria will get mad and I have to go but I can't go unless you go"

"Okay, I'll go" Nick sighed disappointedly, walking side by side with Clay.

I felt like I was watching teenage boys get scolded by their mommy for staying up too late and needing to go. I just needed to try and figure out if I am sensing toddler twin energy or middle school boys that act like they're tough energy.

Nick kept talking to me about how pretty I looked even with my camera still pointed at the ceiling. He also talked about how him and Clay were gonna make out to which, I'm now pretty sure is Clay's girlfriend, Wisteria get mad and he apologizes.

When they finally separate ways, I had to explain to Nick that his keycard said his room was 815 and not 420 because for the next 20 minutes, he roamed the halls of the floor trying to find room 420.

Then another 10 minutes explaining how his house keys aren't gonna work opening the door because he needs to use a keycard.

"NICHOLAS! Flip the card over and stick it to the flat scanner under the doorknob!" I sighed, it was annoying helping him do everything but life is life and I'm starting to hate it.

"But this is my credit card and they're gonna steal my money" He defended himself, covering the hotel name on the card as if it would do anything.

"Just do it so you can open the door!"

And then I heard Clay walk up to Nick still trying to figure out where the keyhole was so open the door that is clearly built for a keycard.

"CLAY!" Nick cheered and gave him a hug.

"Oh my god" I sighed. He's zoned out, now I have to go back to square one unless Clay opens it for him.

"I hurt Wisteria and she won't cuddle with me" Clay said.

I noticed the conversation start to get really personal and dropped the call to give them their privacy. Did I just leave 2 guys drunk in a hotel hallway? Yes, but I didn't want to listen to the conversation about Clay's relationship problems if he didn't want me to hear them.

What a night.

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