Chicken Pox(Larry)

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It was 12:00 in the morning. Louis woke up from his slumber feeling horrible. He was sweating buckets but, felt cold at the same time.
There was a knock on the door.
"Louis? Its time to get up babe." Harry chirped and he walked in. When he saw Louis he knew straight away that he was sick.

"You look awful Louis."he reaches over to feel Louis forehead to check if he had a temperature, sure enough he did have one.
"Looks like you have got a fver there Lou. Let me get you some medicine from downstairs."

"Okay hurry back though."

"I'll be quick."

Harry went down the stairs into the kitchen and open the medicine cabinet. He grab the bottle of fever reducers and walked upstairs again.
  When Harry walked into the bedroom he saw Louis scratching his arm through his long sleeved shirt.
"Harry I don't know why I'm so itchy!?"
"Here let me have a look at it."
Harry lifted up Louis sleeve to reveal louis red skin with a rash forming on top of it and it looked like it was getting worse.
"Oh god, Louis I think you have the chicken pox."
"No, it can't be true I got my vaccination and everything when I was little. I'm sure of it."
"Well your gonna have to go to the doctor for this because I can't treat this myself."
"Harry it's not even that bad."
"Louis your whole freakin body is going to be covered in that! Better treat it now that later."
"Fine!"he huffed loudly.
"You have got a pretty bad case there Mr.Tomlinson, I will presrcibe you some ointment that should help it go away a little. Other than that just don't scratch it and it will go away completely."
The doctor told Louis.
"Thanks doc."
"Your welcome."
Both Louis and Harry walked out if the doctors office and got into the car.
"See Harry it wasn't that big of a deal."
"Whatever. Louis don't scratch at it didn't you just hear what the doctor told you!?"
"Yes! But its just so itchy Haz I can't help it."
"C'mon then, let's get home and get some of that ointment on you."

When they arrived home Louis had laid down the counch and changed into an over sized sweater, sweatpants, and some gloves to keep him from scratching.
Harry was looking at Louis prescription to see how much he should put on and for how long, etc.
"Haz, hurry up I'm really itchy over here!" He whined loudly.
"Hold on!"
Harry walked over to Louis and rolled up his sleeves and his pants up. He rub some ointment all over his arms and legs..
He rolled his sleeves down as well as his pants and laid Louis back down.
"Now get some sleep, maybe when you wake up this will all be over."
"I sure hope so."

Louis drifted off into a peacful slumber and was better after 2 days.
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